Show CONTROL OF WHEAT DISEASE farmers bulletin 1213 tells of nf flag smut discovered in illinois county in 1919 methods for controlling flag lii smut a destructive disease of are rhen given in farmers bulletin 1213 ring flag smut of wheat an anil its control Cunti ol Is sued for free distribution by tle teil ted states department of agriculture the disease was discovered in ili 1010 1919 near granite city madison county 1111 and in 1020 was vai found in III fields confined to 47 quare square miles black stripes running lengthwise in tho the leaves and leaf sheaths are typical of flag smut diseased plants are stunted and rarely head fiend the ills eai la Is spread by spores carried on til th i seed and by spores left in the field afi on infected plant material or on the ground where they may be scattered in various ways and infect wheat seedlings in the fall treat with alth formaldehyde the in 1 aej s train as it comes from tin thrasher burn infested straw sov free seed on non infested lano trent treat with copper sul sulphate and bilm ilm the seed wheat to be sown sonn in the IT in tested area grow resistant varieties the ile bulletin may be had upon ap ali fo t 0 the division of publics eions alons united states department 0 agriculture |