Show JAPANESE AND KOREANS BATTLE five hundred koreans korean killed or wounded in edgag engagement e ment seoul korea reports Ilo ports have we adiel re japanese military headquarters here that a battle has occurred on lite hie SI 81 berlan border between Japa japanese Ja panesa neso and koreans in which koreans were tilled filled or wounded woun del several thousand anil malcontent korpan 4 are alleged to lune have joined the siberia a n sn announcement made wednesday that a frosli fresh div division islon of odthe alie japanese binny will be jenetto eit ti vladivostok to relieve troops lite due to come home Is followed by the alie expression of opinion on lie fie part of the lie leading new in japan that japans evacuation movement will be delayed because of the unsettled siberian situation the latest advices advises front from vladivostok leclare chilt general Se menon the cossack I 1 drevik leader Is finding little support among the Cossac cossacks Cos kit and that anany cossack detachments 5 are 0 floring their services to the present vladivostok government |