Show demonstrate SOUND FARMING PRACTICES excellent work done by pennsylvania pig club members boys and girls girla prove that good hoge hoga properly fed and cared for do better than common stock with ordinary care prepared by the united states stales depart ment of agriculture that boys aud and girls can demonstrate the best farm practices la their respective communities Is shown conclusively by reports of the work done by pennsylvania club members 7 x r 4 3 19 clua exhibiting their 1 i hiie e ggs figs at state fair in ill 1020 statistics of pig club mem leis bets liay nicy be hilen us its tin nn it s by men who lio know something about the swine industry lu in tills this state that the average daily gain of all liggs in the stat good g od bud bad and indifferent Is about oue one half pound per day how do you think thin tile club records compare with that at guess gue before you read on club members in the pl alg feeding club producing pork gain pounds while alle those raising gilts to breed put pounds per day on their pigs that was a good demonstration on that good pigs properly fed and cared tor for will hlll do much better than common stock with ordinary care arc it pays too for the better results can bo be obtained on oil the same amount of feed robert webster 0 of f the hunt erhville ers ville PI pig g feeding club Ly coming county Is the state pig club champion as far as gain per day Is concerned robert fed a purebred breI poland china pig which gained pounds per day that pig surely did make a hog out of himself he |