Show interesting SPORT NOTES the british treat both bolli sexes bexes alike when it comes to defending their golfing crown a a clarence W sanders lias has been chosen captain of the dartmouth tennis team 0 charley paddock run his swiftest yet et according to boyd comstock former trainer of the californi sn benny leonard says he will retire from the ring after abent four more lucrative bouts but they must be lucrative 3 thomas thomai keady heady has resigned as aa coach at lehigh university to become football coach at the university of vermont Yei mont british colony resumes horse racing la in mexico city after ten tell years ye a rs with will diplomatic corps and andul embers of the cabinet attending a 4 0 A new amateur athletic association may bo be formed of south carolina florida georgia tennessee and port part of mississippi i merle zer of st vaul vaud star miler of the university of minnesota track team will be captain of the team for the 1022 season s a sidney W milne of philadelphia a member of the princeton junior class has been elected captain of the tiger TA cef shell crew for next season a man 0 war like many other champions may try a comeback louis feustel the torsee tor seB trainer bei believer leve the colt could do a mile I 1 U II 11 32 at belmont track now |