Show GROWERS STUDY CONDITION sales sale concluded on satisfactory ba and useful experience 01 obtained in market some cabbage growers accompany their carlot car lot shipments to market tin past season in order to secure forat hand knowledge of shipping conditi conditions ont and marketing practices As a result no not t only were sales made on a fairly satisfactory basis from the standpoint of the producer but the growers gro eis ob bained considerable useful ex perien ck through observing the handling of the cabbage in the markets they studied stud leil conditions e 0 editions affecting shipments eri en route and became better acquainted acquaint eI w alth 1 t li t the lie demands c of the large whole sale ale markets the 0 n anti anil experience obtained were of 1 1 lir far value lue to growers located in se sec e eions where here cabbage had aft been gron in previous loui yeam eara the plan was employed by tro erh liang two to or moie inore cars refki for foi shipment at one time mid iid Is ib a latall in tie die lishness b li ot of tarm gioi nils that hat experts of tile bureau of irai wark liets ets united states department of agriculture say might sometimes be employed profitably by producers prod meis of other farm farin crops |