Show NATION 40 BEGINS ON MEW NEW FISCAL YEAR RIGID BUDGET OF ECONOMY IS PLANNED BY DIRECTOR DAWES FOR COMING TWELVE MONTHS nation lives within its income ac cording to treasury Tr eaury statement covering past year government debts are reduced washington living completely within its income according to official treasury statements covering till all but bill two days dais of the fiscal year till the ernnie nt friday opened its boocks to ti a ti new w regime jegline of eco economy mid and efficiency sleeting meeting lit in the office of budget director dawes daes president harding dawes aind budget representatives depre of all government departments made detailed for or the fiscal iscel year 19 to le be fin far inore economical than tile lie which ended ye up to tn june 28 the books showed ordinary receipts i ordinary disbursements IQ of oril luary receipts over ordinary disbursements 1 grond total receipts lecel pK 1 grand giand total disbursements semen ts GG I 1 surplus of grand total decol receipts apts over oer grand total disbursements during dm ing the period of difese reports the I 1 lie national gros gioi gio i debt lias been re 10 deuced approximate iv to or about fi 5 po per cent cc lit other treas tre iury ury statements show the figures indicate that for foi tile the first time since tin the war mir period the government lias has spent loss leas than it took in III including bonol under plans plan announced liv by hawes dawes no official large or small on enn spend more moie money has been allotted allot t fill linn without obtaining consent of dawes anil and then of president Ilard ilig dawe daes s plans f for or cutting all pi opi I allons and building up a reserve fl fi nil were arc explained today to it of its ills assistants at which harding will present within a few days said DH the budget official of each department will be asked to submit a minimum estimate of the amount of money mone on which il ilch the department can call ret get through the year all money appropriated fir over mer and ahoe that estimate will all be rut put into the reserve lesene fund la in order older to spend more inore than the estin estimate into any official wust must first set get permission of the budget director ind and then of 61 the president this will each official no matter how minor in responsibility directly responsible to the president of the united states for economy in tits his section it will be very difficult under tills this scheme to spend more money than estlina ted |