Show MEN ON RHINE COME BACK CK son SO rinal FINAL ENACTMENT OF PEACE resolution HAS EFFECT EFFE CT PF af withdrawal american soldiers on rhine expected to ta return within few weeke according to plans plan p now underway foredt 1 washington americas forca in germany will he the next few weeks as the result he final enactment ot of the hie peace alu resolution representative anthony 0 f nn an sas in charge ot of army anny appropriations in the house said tuesday ire declared that to the army for the current fiscal dell a ear ar are aie so limited that the war a ft ment will hill be forced fo to UK the droops within a month or violat the borah amendment to the army appropriation pria pi tion bul which prohibits ali incurring of any clenice jt now that tile ponce peace resolution 1 Js Is passed the troops should be withro wn 1 I it at the earliest possible date T salan a thom tholly they have hae been een a big burden on an the hie american taxpayers although tho understanding was that Genfi germany any was to iid pay till all expenses tile the co cost at tile hie army anny of occupation ling has been about germany it lias anil houi according to my ily info infurna ma alon oil and the balance has come collie 0 oual ot the lie treasury germany Gerni any of course 1 readily agree to the withdrawal ottylie alie troops i the view of the state depart depar tent Is understood to be that there Is noth loth i ins ing in the peace resolution wh ica it ates harding to withdraw the A african wr can forces from germany nt at t 6 to 4 ek r ent eat time 1 j the resolution officials h holi holf I ex art pressly provides that nil all 1 l lid benell ts ot the states I 1 fhe the authority to hold hall I 1 troops t in IK I 1 many mani that are aie given hinder the biml armistice and the amity of versailles aci sallies are safeguarded under tile the declaratory peace by congress |