Show N THE third year of the war between IN I 1 france and E england la in north america news came to fort edward where lay general webb with men that montcalm was advancing ori on fort william henry held by the veteran scotchman Scot chraft n munro alunro nebb instead of going to the assistance Alunro of sent him a sea scant at handful of mori men muni fros os daughters cora and alice determined to visit their father despite r the danger capt duncan iley ward nard deeply in love with alice offered to serve as their escort tile party set bet out by little frequented paths guided by tin an indian le renard sub til or magua blagun as he was known to ills tribe an eccentric singing master david dald gamut attached himself party despite protests As the unsuspecting trav travelers ellers passed through the thick forests a sa savage algo face glared at them from a thicket tia wits as lending leading the party into a trap two men sat by the banks of a small M eam nhouy tin an hours journey from bort eard one a magnificent specimen of indian manhood had a terrifying of death upon his naked breast the other tall with the lithe muscles of the woo woodsman deninn was as white listen hawkeye sald the indian we mohicans cans came and made tills this land ours then came the dutch and gave my people the firewater fire water vater then they parted with their land now 1 I a chief find and a sagamore have never seen the sun shine except through the trees and have never visited the clites Sl ITeS of r m my y Wa i fathers matheis theis and my son uncas the as last si of the tribe is the last of the ll 11 As his name was mentioned uncas slipped into view and seated himself gravely ly by the side of his father almost immediately the little cavalcade from F fort ort edwards came into view Iley ward addressing Ilaw hawkeye keye inquired as to their whereabouts explaining pla ining that their indian guide had lost his way an indian lost in the woods sa said ld the scout in perplexity 1 I should like a look ot at the creature ile he crept stealthily into the thicket to return after a moment his suspicions fully confirmed explaining to Iley ward that the indian had tried to trap the party he outlined a plan for the capture of the traitor but as they stole upon him marua lingua divined their plan and vanished in the thick woods hawkeye realized the serious plight of me little party and volunteered to help them they set up the river in a canoe bound for a cave where none but the scout and his indian companions had bad ever set toot foot this haven they reached in safety although pursued by a band of indians as they crossed the lake they had barely reached their island fortress when magcas lin guas band appeared on their trail the scout and his companions valiantly defended their cave care against a horde of indians inflicting heavy losses until their ammunition gave gato out then corn cora seeing that resistance was useless begged th the scout and the two indians to slip down the river and attempt to secue re at fort william henry R bat at a short while after the scouts set off eft magua magna and its his warriors appe appeared ored and made captive 0 ipe he whites who remained in the cave mague divided his bis band and set oft off with hla his captives attended by a handful of braves lie ile offered to send alice to her hep father it if cora would go with him to his wigwam alice indignantly refused and magua hogua enraged prepared to torture his captives just as a brave rushed at alice with tomahawk raised a rifle bricked cricked ked ind the indian dropped Ilaw keye followed by and colf rushil aport h md indians fndiA nS only iho the fury of 0 otti ick k the captives captive were inid anti and in a short time the party entered fori IN nill illiam lain henry desPite the fat wo was attacking IL it 0 4 a their stay at the fort ariet however for munro hla his forces heavily outnumbered by those of mont calm calan was forced to capitulate mont alent calm promised that the defenders of the fort should be pe permitted to tode depart parl tor or rort fort rdward and ad guaranteed that hat they should not be molested munro agreed reed english abandoned the stronghold As the women and children were tiling filing across the plain lefore before the fort nn an indian reached out for a trinket on the breast of a woman who bore n child in her armi affrighted the homad v andrew om drew back whereupon the in dl than an seized the child and dashed it to ane the ground then burled buried his tomahawk lit in the head of the w woman oman in nn an in ia stant the indians of a army foil fell upon the helpless women and cliff children death was everywhere and in horrible forms suddenly magua magna caught eight bf cora find and alice who stood helpless by the pile of slain lie ile seized the tor ter rifled girls and hurried them I 1 into n to the woo woods Is gamut whom the indians indiana venerated as one insane was permit ted to accompany them A few days dais later Ilaw hawkeye keye and ills indian companions with nna and munro stood on the blody bl ody plain they had searched carefully tor for ali ahn bodies of the girls but without sue cess Ilaw keye certain that magua lingua had carried them off searched dill diligently for the trail suddenly they found it and the little party set off oc after the wily magua the troll trail led to an indian village eliere they came upon gamut ludicrously attired as tin an indian warrior disguised as a medicine le man entered tho camp with gamut lie ile had been in the encampment encampment but a short while when bhela an an old alef edlef requested him to drivet drive the be evil spirit from the wife or of one of his young men As ag wits was preparing for the unwelcome task an indian was brought into the camp and all thought of the woman vanished at the news that the prisoner was deadly foe of the tribe soon as the excitement owr the captive subsided the old chief remembered the sick woman and escorted Iley word to her chamber in a cave of the neighboring mountain As hey ward alone in the chamber save for the dying woman looked around him he was startled by a great shaggy b bear ell r which pa padded added noi noiselessly in suddenly its tend head slipped off and diey word astounded was gazing at hawkeye who thus attired had made his wa way y into the indian village al 11 1 I As A the scout rearranged his hl guise hearing a slight noise in another chamber investigated and found alice there with Ilaw keye assistance lie he managed to bring th the girl from the tha chamber and stole kale out of tile the village IlAw IIa keye still in the character of the benr bear fearlessly entered the cabin where uncas was imprisoned and succeeded in alb liberating him together they made their way wa into the forest magua lingua although keeping Allce with his own tribe had entrusted the care oi of cora to a friendly tribe of dela wares immediately after the escape of alice he hurried to the encampment of the delawarek Dela wares to claim cora by indian raiv law iho girl ivri was lits his cap the five and he bore bora her away despite the intervention of ftikas atas a hereditary chief of the tribe As soon as he had vanished in the forest the tribe under the leade leadership rs hip of uncas prepared to follow him and war against his people in their hideous war panoply they hurried on Bl agilas trail A bloody battle was fought between the two indian tribes and tho ibe fouces foj ces of le lc renard henard crushingly defeated seeing that the day was lost the wily savage seized cora in his arms and hurried toward the mountains uncas Iley ward and Ilaw keye in hot pursuit corn cora knowing the fate that lay before her suddenly refused to move from the ledge on which she stood woman Woma nl cried li manua blun raising III hla knife choose the wigwam or th the knife of le cubtil Sub til As lie he spoke uneas uncas thudded down beside him having jumped from a fearful height to the ledge magua a ferocious smile on ills his dusky face plunged the knife into the body of 0 his prostrate enemy while magua lingua gloated over the dying uncas one ona of his companions sheathed ills his knife in coras bosom ath a wild cry of tAnin ph magua magna after lea leaping pinga 0 wide fissure made for the summit odthe of the mountain A single hound bound would carry him to the brink of the precipice and assure his safety lie ile shouted defiantly i the palefaces are dogs tho tha Dela delawarek warem women 1 magua magna leaves them ont on tho the rocks for the crows I 1 ile he turned and leaped tor for the height but fell short and only saved himself by grasping a bush that grew from the side of the mountain As he slowly pulled himself up Ilaw keyes rifle cracked from below magua magna shaking his hand in de defiance flance of ills his enemy shot downward to destruction copyright 1919 by the post co thu tho melon post copyright in th united kingdom the Domin dominions lonn its ita col and dependencies under the cop right act by the tha post poat publishing co boston wass U B A all rights right vs r sier nerved vad |