Show POISONED DBR BRAN TAKES HOP OUT OF pestiferous grasshoppers grasshopper side and back view of ef for destruction of hoppers horte horses are hitched to projecting Project ino anda of two by four prepared ty by alie united states department of 0 agriculture there Is nothing so good as poisoned bran for taking tailing the hop out of a grasshopper and then them Is no better way of buying and distributing the bran than through a community organization specialists ests of the united states state department of agriculture find in the areas where the grasshoppers comp come down on the farm crops like all the plagues of egypt there should be grasshopper fighting organizations izat ions just SH qs liere are firefighting fire fighting units in every city fighting a L gaiu ra L hopper without the help of the nel neighbors g ebors Is like ike trying to put out 0 9 fire anre in a powder factory with one bucket of f water in the pacific states the vast uncultivated areas of mountains foothills and grasslands afford ideal breeding grounds tor for nt least eight common species of grasshopper undisturbed the pests can mass their forces in tile the spring and be ready for a descent upon tile the alfalfa fields arid and cultivated crops of the farmer when weather conditions permit anere seems to be little hope of destroying the grasshoppers in these isolated breeding areas and for that reason specialists of the alie bureau of entomology united states department of agriculture maintain that it will be many years before the grasshopper menace disappears from the west but while the eight plagues cannot be exterminated ed nt at their source they can bo be net met mith a systematic well directed barrage of poisoned bait fire and other weapons for control when they attempt to invade the cultivated fields preparing for the attack every locality should have an organization fully equipped and prepared to meet the grasshopper onslaught all preparations should be made early in the spring before the insects have left their breeding pounds grounds the organization should be directed and controlled by efficient and energetic leaders and it t ought to have operation and support of every farmer in the community as well as the landowners who hold title to the remote areas from which the plague spreads Rp rends an equitable method of raising funds for the work can be arranged if every landholder Is taxed on the acreage he be holds or operates the funds should be collected and placed at the disposal of a good business roan man who wll know how find and where to go about buying poisons and other supplies when they are needed without the necessity of untangling red A grasshopper at work tope tape sometimes it Is advantageous to fight the grasshopper army with ire fire and it Is often necessary necess nry to spread serend poisoned poison nl belt bait upon tile the property of nonresident landowners here are two tio points where legal advice la Is desirable deh liable end and the tha leaders should know their exact rights and limits in these matters before the time comes for to act to save sae the crops oi of the lie community if the lie district Is divided into defense areas and each area put under tinder the supervision of a man 0 who o knows knos grasshopper habits lin ailts lilts and how to use tile the we neapolis apolis which the tion has put in his land hands there will be no waste ot of or 01 effort when the foothills alq disgorge orge their hungry hordes lastly the wider aider the co 0 lon th the better tile the res results tilts will be it does no good to drive dile the hoppers from one district if they are nl loed to settle anti feed upon another passing the pest n long to tile the lher flier fellow does not afford permit rient nent relief and it puts tin an extra etra hardship upon ones neighbor the assault should be simultaneous throughout the whole infested area farm should cooperate with farm village lille fill vil il inge inep and county with county so that a every ery leap that the hopper ina kes to escape th tb frying pan will land him in the fire the specialists say rny eight species in west here are at I enst ast eight species of af pf commonly found in tile alie pacific states some of these aide anre winged some are not some prefer one ine variety of food hut but altogether then seasonal conditions tire favor able they can destroy tiny crop tint that we rn inurn irow grow the habits and c characteristics of each species are described in farmers bulletin 1140 grasshopper control in tile the lc stales which may ile he imd had upon request of the united depart anent of agriculture wellington washington 1 I C in addition to a brief of the pests tile lie bulletin ghys the recipes for mixing the most efficient poisons when hen to spread antl how to place tile the halt bait tio so as to nul avold linbury to 16 live stock special con contrail ineas ures are required to meet different geographical conditions annl tw the publication li ll cation atio preen presents ts tile tj alint t line have PI OTA most effective fter nit five years of experimentation |