Show SKIPPER TELLS OF mysterious SHIP WARNING FLASHED TO SEA ASK ING VESSELS TO WATCH FOR STRANGE SHIP SEEN ON DEEP clue to fate of vanishing ships ship may be found if mysterious boat can be captured according to report of steam ship officials official wi ft stations mi long III 11 ll ul lan lIll tic iff thurs illy listed n 1111 ier tit ti ae li oil the lie witch watch for foi it 11 nn craft that na ma y it a lii it to the file fale of it the vanishing lils the warning will elit after it ft tele phoned lioi ifil report frow manron tin lanm officials nt baltimore that the mystery ini my iberl sterl nw ti s craft r a t t lipar steamer or inal 1 b n s it r elladel phia r e fu ial to signals li and then yelled el ll dil klied 1 ott off into tiie the darkness 11 1 1 T chamberlain clinnia lonar of navigation thursday declared that tho the story stori of captein giles ghei of the iro bro wits if the most evidence eli lenco yet et offered one reI of the pecked of so ea ft marauders off tile flip atlantic coast the story stori also alo KIU gave at new ap turn to hie file investigation of of linly i a dozen kilps ships cape lit in the last few fe months month the llie craft that lint lied the mn nalbro may have hesitated to attack it ship of her size lae it could however attack in like the tha carroll alch which balled ashore last january with nil the crew missing sald mild it wn unit a seaman like captain would so go olt off on oil it n coal K tin ma bull lall story ton ile he 14 i awaiting it 11 inore complete ini plit report on tile HIP froin it 11 aunon 11 line rep it aho N 1 n cam irie here soon Bal thilo ml shippers i out alit froin lilt I 1 dinoro were r on an aw ali ettli f foi 11 rilin ship ro nir ported til lly li Cal ali or of the 1111 liner lynip Mu nalbro it was IMIS bated t ili klinl of ia 1 Illo to the report kani t iniel by i 41 alle that tile HIP loyst f imi vv eipl el with ahi lighett and traveling arm tit nt great speed suddenly cane came alon glidO 1114 steamer nt at a point allies inal off nf phil looked blin ailin over oer annil thon darted sawfly into tile the night giles india ried revived iellar that tile ve etel eja willell imp have im off the hie atlantic const coast flaring the last few 11 numbering over ti venty inight tiny ln been captured by a pirate craft or rt boilet cruiser skippers nil ill along tile const were pro being advised aIl soil thurida y of captain 1 giles I iles report |