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Show County News ! SOUTH MILFORD Mrs. Arthur Williams parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hughes visited her for a , week as they returned by motor from , spending the winter in southern i Calif., after repairing serious car i trouble here they went on to their ! home in Salt Lake. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Meldrum are leaving 1 this week for Colorado where they ; will engage in ranching. We extend the sympathy of our community ' to Mrs. Ralph Ellings- worth in the loss of her mother. Rep. W. C. Cates and Dr. Addison Bybee spent Friday and Saturday in Salt Lake appearing before the Utilities Util-ities Commission in a plea for lower rates for electric pumps used in irrigation. ir-rigation. The commission will hand down its decision at a later date. Dr. Hogansen of the U. A. C. Extension Ex-tension division lectured to a large audience at the club house, Monday evening, March 21 on "Better Gardens Gar-dens and More Feed for Livestock." Dr. Hogansen stressed firm soils for gardens, more careful planting, more width between rows to make far easier eas-ier cultivation and intensive cultivation cultiva-tion to conserve moisture and kill weeds. He urged the raising of enough vegetables for winter and spring use for each family. His instructions in-structions for grain, hay and sweet clover pastures were most practical for use by any rancher. County Agent Lew Mar Price accompanied Dr. Hogansen and received applications applica-tions from farmers for seed loans. The Social Hour club met last Thursday afternoon at the club house Mrs. Harold Sautter gave a most interesting in-teresting talk on perennials best suited suit-ed to this climate and its soils and generously invited those interested to come to her home and dig roots for their best loved perennials. A delicious delic-ious two course luncheon was served by the hostess from a long table graced by pink sweet peas. The colorful col-orful decorations of the table and repeated in the refreshments spoke of spring and its gladness. The club presented Mrs. Meldrum with a small token. The hostess on this occasion were Mesdames J. G. Weber and Harold Sautter. The next club meeting meet-ing will be on Thursday, April 7 with Mrs. Abe Heslington and Mrs. Kent Smith' as hostesses. The distressing accident on Monday Mon-day afternoon which resulted in the death of Ernest. Gray of Thermo aroused our best sympathies as Mrs. Grav is the sister of Mr. C. G. Haskell." Has-kell." Mrs. C. W. Johnston and Mrs. Ivan McKnight took a party of young people peo-ple and drove to Beaver on Tuesday for the concert given by The Bull Dog Band. r MLNERSVILLE ' Mr. and Mrs. Claude Albricht and family of Wayne County have moved here for the summer. Mrs. Paul Worthen and small daughter Jenean spent the week-end at Heber City visiting relatives. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Wright March 18 a boy. Irma and Clark Gillins spent the week-end at Provo. Mrs. Wm. Gibson spent Sunday here with her son Billie, who is here for school. The "Reginas DePox" sororiety held a meeting Wednesday evening at the home of Clysta Osborne. After Af-ter the business was discussed a dainty luncheon was served by the hostess. Wm. Muir of Milford was in town Friday transacting business. Fno-pnp Hardv snent Saturdav and Sunday here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. O. Hardy. Mrs. Emily Sedwicks of Kingston is here with her mother, Mrs. Annie Banks. President George Marshall spent the past week in Salt Lake on business busi-ness pertaining to school. Pauline Mathews is visiting friends at American Fork and Salt Lake. Minersville School Notes The music department furnished the following program for assembly last Friday; two songs, by the ladies chorus, a selection from the orchestra, orches-tra, a vocal duct by Elaine Stoddard and Melba Jameson, a dialogue by Garold Gillins, vocal duet, Helen Pry-or Pry-or and Olive Hardy, an instrumental duet, Harold Jameson and Edwin Eyre; a dialogue, George Young, Garold Gillins, and Dale Dotson; the ladies chorus sang another number and the march was played by the high school orchestra. The program was a huge success and everyone enjoyed it. Superintendent Wittwer visited our school last Friday. Our Junior high school girls basketball bas-ketball team played the Milford girb last Thursday at Minersville. It was a very exciting game; the score was IS to 16 in favor of Milford. I GREENVILLE , Ralph Barton, son of Mr. and Mrs. : G. A. Barton who is employed in Milford Mil-ford visited his parents Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Delmar Kesler" an. I children Ray, Kathleen and Beatrice motored to Milford to visit Mrs. Lo-ten Lo-ten Kesler and family Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Calvert' and Mr. and Mrs. Lee Paice motored to Richfield to visit friends and relatives relativ-es Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Paice who has been spending a few days at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Calvert Cal-vert returned to their home in Cal-iente, Cal-iente, Nevada Thursday. The Relief Society gave a program for St. Patrick's birthday. First on the program was: song, congregation "Ye Saints of Isreal." Prayer, D. J. Williams; song, congregation, "Time is "far Spent; address of welcome, Mrs. Walter Blackner; song, "We'll Call it Ireland," Mrs. Margaret Morris; Mor-ris; readings by Pauline Williams and Mrs. J. P. Barton; piano selection, selec-tion, "The Flower Song," Mrs. Ann Williams; a one act play entitled "The Spinsters Convention." After a dance was given which proved to be a success. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Stevenson of Nada are spending a few days at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Davis. Mr. and Mrs. David Reese and children, Clifton and Mary Geraldine and Mr. and Mrs. Grant Murdock and daughter Fay Dona of Cedar City spent Saturday and Sunday at the home pf Mrs. Julia K. Griffiths. A number of the people went to Beaver to see the opera the title "Oh Doctor," given Saturday night. Mrs. Blaine Blackett spent Saturday Satur-day night and Sunday at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dan K. Barton. Mrs. Loten Kesler and children, Mae, Maude and Lorin of Milford spent St. Patrick's day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Delmar Kesler and family and Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Blackner and children. BEAVER Mrs. William F. Knox, who was called here by the death of her brother broth-er John Mathews, returned to her home Sunday in Palo Alto, Calif. Mrs. Emma Mathews and mother, Mrs. Susie Thompson and Eddie Mathews, spent Sunday in Cedar City the guests of E. N. Thompson and family. Sam Worthlin, chef at the Low Hotel in Beaver, was called to Payson to attend the funeral of his father, Paul Worthlin, proprietor of the Paul's Cafe, at that place, who died March 22nd, of a paralytic stroke. Eddie Mathews, who was called here by the death of his uncle, John Mathews, returned to Salt Lake City Monday. Mrs. Charles Waters left Friday for Cedar City where she expects to be about three weeks while her little son Neil receives treatment from Dr. McFarlan. Vera Tanner returned Sunday after af-ter a week in Salt Lake. Julia Low is expected home today after spending spend-ing a few days with her sister, Mrs. LaMar Anderson in Park City. Mrs. Almeda White of Milford was the guest of Mrs. Billie Reese Friday. Mrs. Scott Tattersall and small son Richard Lynn are spending this week in Beaver with Mrs. Tattersall's mother, Mrs. Arnold Low. J. A. Larness of the Mountain States Telephone and Telegraph Co. from the Salt Lake office is spending a few days at the Beaver office. Mrs. Allie Caffel of Springville was in Beaver Friday on business. Local people have read the marriage mar-riage licence of Marion Lindsay and Ted Robinson in the Farmington strip of the Deseret News. A happy surprise. Miss Golda Water expects to leave Thursday for Cedar to spend a few days with her mother and Ellaleen will return to resume her duties at the O. P. Skaggs market. Abe Jones of Kamas and Dave Jones of Fielding are expected here tonight, called home on account of the illness of their mother, Mrs Mary Ann Jones. Alfred Cartwright of the B. Y. U. spent the week-end visiting with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Cart-wright Cart-wright of this city. Prof. Clair Johnson and Mrs. Johnson John-son motored down from Springville to be in attendance at the high school opera and to greet old friends. Mrs. Lyle Thomas who came to attend at-tend the funeral services for Joseph F. Skinner has returned to her home at Cedar City. Alice Orton, 5, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Caleb Orton, threw her elbow out of place Wednesday when she fell from a swing in which she was playing. play-ing. Orval Hoffins, 16, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Hoffines, is receiving treatment from Dr. Ed. McQuarrie for an infection, the result of a wood sliver which he ran into his arm while in the hills getting a load of wood. I ADAMSVILLE Thomas H. Jones was called to Beaver Monday on account of the illness ill-ness of his mother. James Robinson of Beaver and Mr. Osborne, district road agent, of Cedar Ce-dar City was in town Tuesday. A number of people from here attended at-tended the Bull Dog Band of the Pasadena College concert held in Beaver Tuesday. The board members of the Aber-,dare Aber-,dare Bench Canal company held an important meeting Thursday at the residence of W. U. Stewart. Mr. and Mrs. Loyal Baldwin motored mo-tored to Milford last week to attend to some shopping business. Miss Delia Johnson spent the week-end in Minersville. |