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Show Iii the Week's News t 1115 V S!i!s: silPJllJi fr v 1 KING WINTER struck hard at Syracuse, N. Y., in recent blizzard in East which took a toll of 38 lives. AutomobMes were snowed under and communication was crippled. 4 I " " f ' r'5 -N .3 : - GENERAL PERSHING paying trib ute to memory of George Washington Washing-ton at roent Boy Scout memorial Mrvleet it Valley Forge. ' i mi i 7 . , w -i i NOBILITY SCORES: Countess Olgs Albani, wife of Italian nobleman and acclaimed the most beautifu woman in radio, is scoring grea! personal popularity In the Maxwell House Hour on NEC-WJZ network 00 SMOOTHNESS was registered register-ed in recent oscilloscope test in Chicago of high tenor voice of Morton Mor-ton Downey, radio star of the Camel Quarter Hour now on vaudeville tour of the Mlddlewest. BATHING JACKETS have supplanted supplant-ed beach pajamaa. Carola Lombard, movie star, It ihown wvarlno Jaaket of white Jer.ey daooratad with ball of whlta yarn. |