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Show To teep clean and healthy take Dr. Pierce' Plcnsant Pellets. They regulate liver, bowels and stomach. Adv. mi iiiwi iili i miiwn ""ij. .um m wnw'imi iywM"nw muni i iU( J y " " ' f ' f s The sparkling eyes which men admire y.vr NV x ' ' healthy high spirits and pep n i which make a girl stand out from the 51 ot J crowd ... Every young lady can have a m w S I? J them; and sliould have. r 1 Hundreds of thousands of men and r n s j women have been benefited by Fellows N m Syrup. This wonderful tonic improves - XL jJ appetite and sleep, tones up vim and ; v J. : energy. It is the perfect medicine for ": ...N . f all who need "building up." Prescribed j by doctors for many years. Ask your - druggist for genuine Fellows' Syrup, FELLOWS' SYHUP Tired, Nervous and Repressed? rX's Health Suffers When Kidneys Do Not Act Right i: B E tED promptly a nagging J7fsS!v J""- backache, with bladder ir- r$pS I ' PFTL regularities and a tired, nervous, ; Fl depressed feeling. They may warn f some disordered kidney or S i 9B". bladder condition. jj 'v'vw"i: v" Users everywhere rely on Doan's x$ 4 I 1 Pills. The sale of millions of boxes . sltowsA i annually attests to Doan's popu- -g- larity. Your dealer lias Doan's. BBoanfg Pills X i1 MADE BY THE MAKERS OF ,l.l.;.,:;L,,:,tt1Aj;,J:i 'bii.ujfcta--' REO.U. s. PAT. OFF. BUT they didn't tmow about the New Oaytfo! then p .vrN-.-.--f --v pK,,.;' niether you're washing dishes or clothes, suds do the wort. t. . W Jj, sBX.! Oxydol makes 50 more ends richer, quicker suds that rinse .Tf7:..ii.ir5Vjw2J'T off clean, that leave no scum that's why this safe soap can do so ; .a.v k-'Jv"--"''' 1 much and still be kind to hands and dainty things. Procter & Gamble fim . i, i., i ...i, ..n .,a-i. r it vm-j, u,.. v,j Oil Line .O token. . . 4 He Drove His Loaded Truck miles with a DRY CRANKCASE When Jack Edmondson halted his 2 54- idle periods, you are running your ton Chevrolet truck in a Conoco sta- motor under "dry crankcase" condition condi-tion in Des Moines, New Mexico, the tions every time you start. Only Germ attendant discovered a broken oil line Processed Oil actually penetrates and tand an empty crankcase! combines with metal surfaces. And u t .l i j only Germ Processed Oil gives you the But inspection of the motor revealed ' b ' t.-. j i , t j , protection of a "Hidden Quart" that (that no damage had been done! x- stays up in your motor and never drains when Edmondson returned home, away. he discovered, from oil spilled on the TI uu-jj - , ' The "Hidden Quart" cuts down road, that he had driven about 4 5 miles startlng wear saves gas and g;ves your , after the oil line broke on the "Hid- motor longcr life whh fewer repajr , den Quart" of Conoco Germ Processed bills. It assures safe lubrication at all Oil. times. You may never break your oil line Change to Conoco Germ Processed and drive with an empty crankcase. Oil at the sign of Conoco Red Triangle. But remember that if you JD55 ' ' ' ' ' use oils not Germ Processed, y?fTl We ntit,icr "urage "dry crankcaw which drain away during f-: f- exPer'mcnt nor guarantee .ucccu under if j -tti. "" condition!. But untolicited letters 1 irom motoriiti, now in our filej, tell of t V1;. SL n' hundredi 0f other rum with empty crankcasei but without damage. XCONOCO " 1 " GERM " THE HIDDEN QUART VROCESSW ...THAT NEVER DRAINS AWAY JL GERM "pKoESSED 3) PARAFFIN BASE MOTOR OIL |