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Show When You K I CAN'T"" QU,T H4 Fatigue is the signal to rest. Obey t n,1 x it if you can. When you can't, keep V v t cool and carry-on in comfort. " S Bayer Aspirin was meant for ! , s n just such times, for it insures your ? . s N N comfort. Freedom from those pains ? . W"'..-iv$Ss -'w. ' that nag at nerves and wear you &' s f : down. One tablet will block that - . tV4 N threatening headache while it is v x ' still just a threat. Take two or 1 " three tablets when you've caught a V V cold, and that's usually the end ' i of it. : ,v Carry Bayer Aspirin when you w. v . travel. Have some at home and ' ,; ,.,, . ,. ; keep some at the office. Like an ! '- . '' . . f efficient secretary, it will often I -,vW.. . t "save the day" and spare you many Sf- .., . uncomfortable.unproductivehours. n, Perfectly harmless, so keep it "y VJ ( ' handy, keep it in mind, and use it. ' No man of afTairs can afford to ' ' ignore the score and more of uses w s v. .i'!" . . explained in the proven directions, fc, St."- s' i From a grumbling tooth to those - -v. rheumatic pains which seem almost - -y v to bend the bones, Bayer Aspirin ! ilw , Tf is ready with its quick relief and v ' 'Av x always works. Neuralgia. Neuritis. fc.JU't Any nagging, needless pain. x, "p7N Gct the genuine tablets, stamped f v-V-- tf-'SPCtfSsA U x with the Bayer cross. Ihey are of k- tSft W perfect purity, absolute uniformity, (I I ?Mw'!K vi V I and have the same action every time. In jVff t VJ'W Why experiment with imitations 4 "SkCr v.OT: Avd costing a few cents less? The saving 4 fis"Ji-- nli is 100 little- There is tot much at o flfyk' J stake- But there is economy in the s,sMf( LLwM' LJ'A Purchase of genuine Bayer Aspirin, I vf' tablets the larSe bottles. Protect Your Children Jjn Protect your children from those nasty colds that always -srf&com' hcn winter is breaking up. Doctors recommend Scott's ''?.-l.i5r Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil as an effective resistance-builder. ItS Xitamin A ne!Ps protect children from recurrent colds. ! .".! Ti; And its Vitamin D helps build strong bones and teeth. Young-'a"!1 Young-'a"!1 ' 1'. "' r sters and grown-ups, too find this emulsion an easy, pleasant fci'w ' i way of takinS cod liver of - Scott & Bowne, Bloomfield, N.J. fc, j. , -1 Sales Representative, Harold F. Ritchie & Co., Inc., New York. V'Jt ' 'ft , Listen to th Scoff & Bowno radio program "Adventuriva with Count Ajt -W-K. von Lutkncr, on Sunday niohtat7:S0p.m. over Vie Columbia JTi Coaxl-to-Coaat Network and Stations KDYL Salt a5 Lake City and KLZ Denver Stronger than He Was at Twenty , , S ' i, '."'.'8 '-v.,' St :IBMMIBiiiww FIFTY-FIVE years old, and still poison so long as it is permitted to going strong! remain in the system. Do you want the secret of such The new energy men and women vitality? It isn't what you eat, or feel before one botlle of Dr. Caldwell s any tonic you take. It's something syrup pepsin has been used up is anyone can do something you can proof of how much the system needs start today and see results in a this help. week! All you do is give your vital Get a bottle of this delicious organs the right stimulant. syrup and let it end that constant A famous doctor discovered the J"? 'dbuL llwun luhe way to stimulate a sluggish system bowels. Spare the chi clren those SFJ ?!3Sa5S the benefit of its fresh laxative Sw older herbs, active senna, and that pure Dr. Caldwell s syrup pepsin la pepsin. Get that lazy liver to work, such a well known preparation you those stagnant bowels into action, can get it wherever drugs axe sold Get rid of waste matter that is slow and it isn't expensive. |