Show I 11 I j II OAK OAI CITY OUTLINES II The Tuesday night are 1 well attended are being boing boling bo- bo ling ing made for the Green and Gold Ball Dall next Friday night i Oak City ward held a big auction ale lale bazaar and dance Last Friday O er Over was realized to bo ho paid ate nto the ward budget for this year Thursday morning Mrs 1 Caroline Rawlinson passed away at her home homem homen m in n Oak City She was one of Oak City's first pioneers and will be bo in this community The respect re re- of the community and surrounding surrounding surrounding sur sur- rounding towns 10 was shown by the large targe attendance I t Mrs Jos Joe L. L Anderson is home af- af er spending the week with her mother moth moth- er who is ill at Holden Bolden School was dismissed Wednesday afI afternoon af- af i I as the boiler in the tho furnace leaked so badly a fire could not be kept It Is not definitely known know n when school will commence I The Tho stork again visited y O Oak k City leaving a daughter at the tho home o of f Mr 1 and Mrs Otto Anderson I l Mr r and Mrs Irs A. A M. M Roper went t to o Kanosh Thursday the to at attend at- at tend lend the funeral of Mrs Ropers Roper's aunt Mrs 1 Jane Walker Valker The young are arc enjoying the sleighing this week |