Show Report On Th This s Years Year's Snowfall Is Encouraging Panguitch Utah Jan 21 1929 Delta Canal Co Delta Utah With the last storm we have better chances for water than last year at atthe atthe atthe the same dates Snow at Panguitch one foot and still snowing At Panguitch Lake 4 41 ft tt and storm not ended At Duck Creek Creck report by two trappers that the got snowed In at five feet on the level No man mall from Kanab for three days and 30 3 Inches of ot snow on the divide and a foot toot before the tho storm I Two feet at Tropic across the tho East Fork Pork Heavy snows down the river as low as Richfield The snow In Panguitch Valley Vaney has a heavy content content content con con- tent of ot water We have every reason reason reason rea rea- son to believe It Is so all over Looks as if It would be as good as 1922 or better These re reports Orts are over the telephone telephone telephone tele tele- phone or In person and on the whole I think the report Is reliable Yours truly W. W J. J Henderson |