Show a MILFORD DELTA i TO 10 MEET FRIDAY I IN LEAGUE RAGE Second Home Feb Seats Scats on Sale i Milford and Delta High Schools send their respective hoop on the floor next Friday February 1 at atthe atthe atthe the Delta hall This will be the second second second sec sec- ond home bomb game ame of the season series se-rles I tOT for the JackRabbits I As proved In the clash with Hinckley Hinckley Hinckley Hinck- Hinck ley last week the visiting team boasts a threatening line Une up Although the dope sheet gives the thie Red and White a slight Blight edge on Milford's MUford's force the game should prove a taker breath-taker and as past statistics on such contests contests contests con con- tests reveal may declare either team teama a close winner Reserved seats are on sale at the j drug stores and at the High School office for the game gamo |