Show SUBSCRIBE TO Q i- i THE CHRONICLE t I r 0 f Fire Insurance J r 7 T c- c T rJ f L I Yi I HL csc t t r Hartford Dartford Firemen Fund Frank Beckwith Agent LL ir stiS a J l OJ 1 ul q I iO fO 0 WATER VATER USERS f a tI Engineers Engineer's Office Salt Salt kl y 1 Utah Jan 24 1929 Notice reby given that Joseph H. H Yun ose se se post office address Is Ogden X h 1 has made application in n n. accord with the requirements of tho Coas Co 1 lad d Laws of Utah 1917 as amend amend men t oy by the Session Laws of U Utah ah 19 nid Ind 1925 1926 to appropriate 5 c. c f. f f s 53 lit t water from Quaking Asp oaring Caring Vl gal sh h In Ullard Millard County U- U tah tab SY Sair rater vater Is to be diverted at ata I a point pint T. T s bears ft S. S of ot the I KJ 11 cor 0 c Jac J c. c 16 Tp 20 S R 3 W W. I 5 S. S L L. J L l. il ai t and conveyed by means oJ ot 1 l t p a Ili stance tance of ft where h ii v wl II 1 h N hi oed sed during the entire year for U ti tho of 1000 head of to k s. s much water as may be nece y ill m ll be used used during th the entire entire en- en en en- tire Ure year or 1 r domestic purposes jhb a I is designated In Inthe inthe Inthe the Engineers Engineer's ll Office as File No 1042 1041 All pre ests esta against the granting of ot said a application stating the reasons reasons reasons rea rea- sons ther ur must be by affidavit In iu accompanied with a fee of ot and filed in this tibia office t 30 days after nIter tho the completion of the publication of ot this notice Geo M. M Bacon State Engineer First pull puh Jan 31 1929 Final pub lub Fob Feb 28 1929 j SUMMONS rn the DJ Court Court of of the tho Fifth Judicial Ju Judicial D let frt Jet in and for tor Millard l Count County P f of ot Utah DESERE iVINGS BANK DANK a corporation corporation corporation cor cor- Plain Plaintiff tift vs Ys CHARLE V. W. ERICKSON and ETTA BRICKS BRICKS' Ms Is wife NORMAN ERTCKSON ER- ER LIZETTE ERICKSON his wife rd R R. R E. E Towne Defendants THE STATE OF UTAH TO THE SAID DEFENDANTS You are hereby summoned to appear appear appear ap ap- ap- ap pear within twenty days after tho service of this summons upon you if served within the county in which this action Is brought otherwise within thirty days after service and defend th the above entitled action and andIn andin in case of your failure so to do judg- judg judg-j judg l j will be rendered against you your you j according to the demand of ot the com corn plaint which has been filed with the clerk of said court This action is brought to recover a judgment foreclosing foreclosing fore fore- I closing 1 plaintiffs plaintiff's mortgage upon tho tholand tholand tholand land and water stock described in said ald complaint for the appointment of a receiver and for fer costs of suit J. J A. A A Melville Attorney for Plaintiff P. P O. O Address G G Deseret Bank Dank Building Salt Lake City Utah First pub Jan 10 10 1929 FI Final al pub Feb 7 7 1929 The Food and Drug Administration I will wm anyone with a fake cure curo for flu There Thero Is no known drug or combination of drugs that will cure product labeled labeled label label- ed to do o so will wUl come within the law and the maker will be Dont Don't buy fake faie the adver adver- advertised tI ed stuff We d wish to c the action of our officers in the latest activity We Wo congratulate them on doing their duty Fines for law breaking sho should ld at least equal what would be bo the license fee tee for that business if It it were mere legit legit- Delta Is coming back to its former good old times times Real Real estate offices have t to keep open until late hours In fn t the e night I a I I f I I I 1 4 f h r d e an and d G Growth r F Few w people realize the magnitude and n great Feat eat growth of the dairy industry and its relationship r to other fai farming ling operations Dairying is by far the greatest of f all lines of agriculture The le total annual income from the d dairy daily hy industry amounts to three and anda a third billion of dollars The most progressive prosperous prosperous and and contented farming distri districts ts in the world today are th the onesin ones onesin cs in ill which dairying is well established We Ve are for Delta Valley and surrounding territory as a prosperous prosper prosper- T- T ous dairy section wi with th more ore GOOD GOO cows J. J Delta Mahe Valley Creamery Creamer T Company PROBATE AND GUARDIANSHIP NOTICES Consult County Clerk Clerk- or ortho orthe tho the 1 respective signers for further in in- formation In Jn tho the District Court Conn In Jn and for tor Milland Millard Millard Mill Mill- ard and C County State of Utah NOTI NOTICE J TO 10 CREDITORS CREDITORS In Jn the tho Matter Matter of of f the tiie Es Estate Est t of Abner Abnor Johnson Deceased c Creditors will wm sent present claims with vouchers attached to the undersign undersigned undersign undersign-I ed at her home InD in D Delta Utah on or before June 1st 1929 Laura H. H Johnson Administratrix of the Estate of Abner Abnor Johnson Deceased Grover A. A Giles I Fillmore Utah Attorney for Admin Admin- Admin I First pub Ja Jan 24 1929 Final pub Feb 21 1929 J SUMMONS In the District Court of ot t the Fifth Judicial Judicial Ju- Ju District of the State of Utah In and for fot i id i'd County SA SAVL SAVINGS CS CS BANK A corporation Plaintiff o vs VB JOSEPH EARL TJ WILKINSON and GENEVA GENEYA WILKINSON ILI INSON Defendants ts I THE STATE rATE OF PF UTAH TO THE SAID DEFENDANTS You Yoa are tt hd soby summoned to appear appear ap ap- I ap-I I pear within o twenty days after the service of this summons upon you if served within the county in which this action is brought otherwise within thirty days after service and defend the thA above entitled action and nd I ii in case o ot of your failure so to do judgment will be rendered against you according to the demand of the complin which has been filed flIed with I the clerk of sid court This action is brought 10 w recover a judgment foreclosing plaintiffs plaintiff's mortgage upon upon upon up up- on the land and ana water stock described ed In said complaint for tor the appointment ap ap- appointment of or a n. receiver and for costs of suit J. J A. A Melville r J 4 Attorney for Plaintiff P. P O. O Address C 6 G Deseret Bank Dank Salt Lake City Utah First pub Jan IG 16 1929 Final pub Feb 14 1929 NOTICE OF SALE In the District C Court rt of f Millard 1 County State of Utah In the Matter of the Estate of MAHONRI l M. M STEELE STEELS Deceased Notice Is s hereby given that on Wednesday the day of January 1929 at the hour of 2 o'clock P. P M. M the undersigned administrator of the estate of Mahonri M. M Stele Deceased ed will sell at public sale at the front door of the County Court House at Fillmore Millard County State of Utah all the real property of the said estate to the highest am and best bidder for cash or upon such terms as may be arranged with said adminIstrator administrator administrator admin admin- said property being real estate es- es tato tate situated in the County of Millard Millard Millard Mill Mill- ard State of Utah and more particularly particularly described as follows The East Quarter oft of the of-the the Northwest Northwest Northwest North North- west Quarter of ot the Northwest est Quarter Quarter ter tel of Section 3 Township 17 South Range 7 West Salt Lake Meridian containing 10 acres acres and the North half of Lot 4 in Block 79 Plat lat A Delta Townsite site together w with th the Improvements and appurtenances thereunto belonging and also an equity equity equity e- e in the Northeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 3 Township Township Township To To- 17 South Range 7 West Salt Lake Meridian containing acres acres a- a cres together with any and all buildings buildIngs buildings build build- ings improvements and appurtenances appurtenances an ances ances- ances s there thereunto to belonging Also Forty shares of ot water stock in the Delfa Delf Canal Company together with a any y and all water and ditch rights of every every nature however evidenced used J on Ott n or belonging to said lands land subject t to a prior mortgage to the State Stat of Utah In the sum of 2000 Dated at Delta Utah this day of January 1929 M. M M M. Steele Jr I Administrator kr M I C TRACTOR t I SCHOOL Delta Theatre February 21 ON AN MODERN EDUCATIONAL AND INSTRUCTIVE rIVE SCHOOL MENT FARMING METHODS ME AND EQUIP- EQUIP ATTEND ATTEND WE INVITE ALL VHO ARE INTERESTED TO Gardner Koiter niter 1 Pt r |