Show Scalp Our Heroes At Oasis TIm THE nAYS DAYS or 40 49 Continued Last week our American Legion correspondent broke off in the middle middle middle mid mid- dle of or a sentence holding the peo- peo pl pi Ir it suspenders for tor a week eagerly awaiting nov news from the various diggins dig dig- gins He told luridly how hoV some fire firewater braves had snuck down on tho the drowsy inhabitants of and with blood curdling cries and savage c yells had Ind raided the diggings and anel driven off oft very hip flask and coffin coffin cof cof- fin in n n lr 1 the tho tho town as dry dryas as Delta and not even a pint In the Silver Oasis And there lay Slippery Sim BI m tings and Wandering Husband Hus- Hus band S SCALPED having been caught una and both shorn of ot their hirsute appendages Doctor Wrong pert perr n nod od a miraculous operation assisted by Barber Clark I who Jointly grafted the skin of ot a wild billiard bUllard hall ball on the chink dome of If each cacho Dueno Bueno Wei o Doc Major Hot Whiskers Whiskers Schneider of of Fo called his men to toI arms arma to avenge aYen e the massacre and to recover the loot leot Straddling his electric e- e hono he rode Tode to the scene cene of ot the fray Scout 1 Strang Stran had the Indians located and with his Auxiliaries strengthened by Maj Maier Majr- swooped down on n th tha unsuspecting with three Fords and nine muleteers and amid mid c ge galore and acts of ot heroism heri her- her i m untold captured the loot stolen stolen stol- stol en u on to find flud it drained Fleeing citizenry x t tok k refuge in the Old Fort where after ner the smoke of battle away they found they were missing three spares and a a. Jack A accident at Oa- Oa sill sla diggings Bewhiskered Turner was sawing wood not busy but sawIng sawIng sawing saw- saw Ing wood whoa when his lilacs caught In Inthe Inthe inthe the belt beIt and he was was dragged In Into Into into In- In to the buzz saw and snipped in two The thrifty management of ot the lumber lumber lum lum- ber her yard ye-rd melted the parts of him into tho the ot otter e- e esaw saw dust and molded him into boards ards Many a fence now has hasa a v of ot nailed on its posts i T t j night the Vigilantes were called cut to quell an uprising uprising- The citizens were being and dragged into inlo shacks and mauled by bym I m masked men It was found to be bethe bethe bethe the barbers harbers who had got sore at this shaving boycott going on and were em m in and their mugs whether or no The proceeds of the hair mattress they got by it though was being turned over overto overto overto to the Charity Bazaar so Police Jego C C. C Wilson Keeler let the offending barbes off oft with fines tines each of ot which half halt was in cash and the res rest In III free f-ee shaves to the City Dads To bo be continued next week weck |