Show le Is played In California the year ear car around Golf Golt balls were fit first made of ot feathers tenth feath ers era and boiled Now the composition used Is baked C S S S The national ski championship for tor 1029 1020 will be held at Brattleboro Vt February 20 to 22 Francis W. W Pershing son of ot Gen Cen John J. J Pershing Is Ig a It candidate for tor forthe forthe the varsity crew at Yale C CS Lacrosse Is s to take the of baseball as a college sport at Johns Hopkins In n Baltimore Md C C S Fifteen members of the Georgia Tech football team will wIl be lost by gra graduation to the 1929 1029 team S o s S Eight of the nine games to be played by Sc Schuylkill u nc next t season cason will wIl be at home In n the new stadium C S S Golden Bears of it California will VII play Pennsylvania at nt football for the tile first time In Philadelphia next next October 10 19 S S C Bobby Dobby Jones In his first game gume of golf olt In Miami In n three years played the Miami Biltmore course In a par 70 S S S With MS 13 winners to his credit Gordon Gordon Gor Oar don Richards won von the jockey championship cham of ot En England land for the lie third time S C S Washington's tons ton's Infield has been lowered low low- ered aed red two or three inches and the tue rou rough h spots disposed of by the ground- ground keeper The London Football association husa membership of 01 2167 clubs b besides besides be be- sides leagues and affiliated asso Chicago's four racetracks were attended attended at at- tended d by a n million race fans and It Itis t Is estimated that a u total of I was bet S S S Jack Bentley former pitcher of ot the lie Giants has been named as manager of 01 the York Tork team of ot the New York York- Pennsylvania league o 0 Babe BaLe Ruth now holds the record for tor having scored the most runs during world series ploy play Since 1921 1021 he be has dented the plate 80 30 times tInie S SC Announcement is made that Rosy Ryan former formerly of the Yankee baseball team has hns become a n full fledged ed ed member mem member ber her of ot the Milwaukee Brewers S. S C S j Modern prize light promoters can see a u dollar farther tarther than the old old- timers ever could nud their Idea of 01 an anthem Is the click of ot the turIs turn turI s stile e S C S The outstanding fact about the recent recent recent re re- re- re cent football season seems to be that lint It has Immeasurably complicated the Job Jol of ot picking the American All eleven cleven S C C Clarry larry Harry WIsmer hns hs given up tip the managers manager's reins of ot the lie Twin City In n the Ontario io Hockey association as as- after aCter holding this position for fur 18 years cars S S S Johnny Dundee numbers 3 7 bouts houts In his ring record lIe He has hns fought practically every y outstanding feather Junior Junor lI lightweight ht and ond lightweight In lu the tie last 18 8 years ears S S S Arthur Borden st Star r of the PrInt Prince ton university polo team Is the son of or Gen Howard Ilo Borden Boulen and like his father futher r has lots been playing polo ever er sInce he could walk S S SAu S An Au appraisal al of the tIte estate of Ed Ell vard artl J J. J McKeever l former ormer president of It If the Brooklyn National len league ue base hasL ball hall club placed Its Us net value alue at nt 7 S S S The Nationals an nn the signing for tI 1129 fI of I L. L 1 IRom lic ke Ilin Last t y Im played third hn e for Springfield Spring Spring- field In Iii I the lie Cent nil league li te A Automobiles were ore not in use U. it I 3 ago thin explains e x why Anon An on n could coull wi win ill a 11 live pennants with lt Ii 1 pla payers I then lien an- an linens I Il ill l players l vers Ir to win in six Ix now nov S The flie mosi Incest Important Part purt ot t the I thy lv whon I It I fUNS ito to Sport Is Q lie It-I It leg t rs lust lost no nu longer l r Ic legs s. s Thai hoI holls true trite In Iii ever lr wit with h the of cit polo nail Ihl rowing roving PUg I |