Show Los Angeles Boy Foy Needed Help Leroy Young Georgia St. St Los Angeles An geles Is la a regular r fellow net active I e I In n sports and at nt the top tOI In his classes at school To look at ato o o III him in now you'd think t 1 a he lie never had hd a n days day's sickness but his mother says When Leroy was Just a n. little fellow we found his stomach and bowels were weak He TIc kept suffering from con con- Nothing he ate n agreed reed with him He lIc was fretful feverish and puny When we wc started giving him California Cali fornia fomIa Fig S Syrup rup his condition improved Improved Im im- im proved quickly His Is constipation and biliousness stopped and he hue has hns had no more trouble of ot that kind I have ha since used usell California Fig Syrup with him for colds and upset spells TIe lie likes it because It tastes so good and andI I J like It because It helps him so wonderfully won California Fig Tug Syrup has been the trusted standby of mothers for tor over o CO GO years Leading physicians recommend mend It It Is purely vegetable and works with Nature to regulate tone and strengthen the stomach and bowels of ot children so they get full nourishment from their food and waste Is eliminated In n a normal way Four million bottles used a year shows how mothers depend on it Always Al AI A- A ways look for the word California on th the carton to be sure of ot getting betting I the genuine |