Show WITH THE UTAH LEGISLATURE The Time second week of the session of ot the Utah legislature e was marked by much activity over o the Boulder Dam question and the introduction and discussion of ot a flood of bills ranIng ranging ranging rang ran ing from the question of ot bounty on rabbits to a measure Increasing the pay JIllY of the from 4 to 3 n a aday day and allowing them 3 per day for tor expenses Removal Remo of the state prison on from Its present location Is provided pro In abill a abill abill bill Introduced In the senate seDate The bill directs the state tate board of ot corrections to select a new site and construct con a anew anew new v prison Boar Boards s of ot education are empowered to operate and maintain Jointly with witha a board hoard of ot education of an nn adjoining school district a n school or schools or pay the pro rata cost of at such school operation for tor students school I outside their home borne districts under a ft abill abill bill Intro Introduced In the senate enate The he Je legislature adopted a n Hon tion endorsing the time appointment of ot L L.S. L.S. L. L S. S Cates for the position of secretary of the Interior In the Hoover cabinet The Idaho has 1119 gone on record record re re- cord coni as ns favoring the appointment of Mr Cates to this position Communications were received from Gov Coy Dern transmitting recommendations and about CO GO proposed bills of the state code commission by the sen sea ate The proposed hills bills look to the repeal repeal repeal re re- peal of measures declared unconstitutional unconstitutional never In effect or otherwise of no DO effect on the books of ot the state BILLS S INTRODUCED The INTRODUCED The SENATE No Ko 9 Smith SmIth Giving Giving the time state board hoard of agriculture power to adopt re regulations fixing dimensions and standards for containers container of all vegetables vegetables vege vege- tables fruits hay bay grain seeds and livestock products etc No Ko 10 Requiring Maw Maw Requiring owners of motor vehicles to settle taxes on motor mot snot o or vehicles with county US assessors before before be be- fore license Is Js issued by secretary of state No 13 Pa Patterson Amending the state law relating to the trespassing of ot animals damages and l Impounding poun ing and providing that there shall be lie no recovery erV for an unintentional tres trespass pass on unimproved ed uncultivated grazing grazing graz graz- ing lands lauds d in whole or in part by public domain No Xo 19 An An act net repealing section 83 session laws of Utah 1025 1925 creating the state hoard board 1 of ot No Ko 20 An An act allowing the tIle governor to to declare any day clay between Mardi March 1 and find April 15 as ns Arbor dayKo dayNo day No Ko 21 Smith Smith Providing Providing for the appointment ap ap- appointment fI of ot state and ami deputy 4 No 22 Evans Providing Evans Providing for the the ll 11 censing ensing and r regulation of owners or Cr users of trucks used for the transportation transportation tation of ot livestock No 23 Musser Musser Providing Providing for collecting col letting of or Interest on Investment of redemption redemption redemption re re- funds tUlI and requiring state treasurer to credit such interest to state highway fund No Xo 21 24 n Amending the law relating to the voting yoting of absent absente e electors In municipal elections No 25 Smith MaL Making ing it unlawful ul to use nn an unrecorded brand or to use a brand recorded to another person No Authorizing 20 2 20 the release relinquishment re rc- and conveyance to time the United States of a n portion of ot land laud forthe Corthe for Cor forthe the Echo construction in is Summit county No Xo 27 Marsden Relating Marsden-Relating Relating to tax rate for county purposes and defining when and nil in what amounts the same mme shall be fixed No 39 Dillman EmpowerIng Empowering tb the tho boards of education to cooperate with boards of education of ot adjoining distracts districts dis tracts to maintain jointly a school or schools etc No No 40 Hollingsworth RelatIng Relating to attorney and counselors oun elors and tightening tightening tighten tighten- ing up r requirements for tor admission to practice No 44 Smith Smith Amending Amending ing the state brand Jn Inspection law aw so that in cases where cattle arc fed fell or grazed on land adjoining the state Hue line anti ami the time owners own own- ers era of ot such cattle have ha lands or range privileges es in such adjoining state and within ten miles of such state line Une an 1 such stich cattle may be driven across the state line to such land laud without tion tiou Uc Resolution Introduced S. S J J. J R. R 3 Ryan Ryan Proposing Proposing to amend the state constitution so the tho thole le legislature ma may fix the pay of legislators legisla legisla- legislators tors and so that the legislature ma may receive mileage for th distance traveled tr in going to or 01 returning to the place of meeting meeting- b by tra traveling tra cling the usual route loute BILLS DITIS I INTRODUCED TIIE THE TIIE HOUSE No 20 Burton Burton Durton Relating to con uen- uen tuition of executors and administrators administrator and fixing compensation of attorneys g in estate matters No 1 Burton Burton Creating special juvenile jar jar- enile courts In III all aU cities clUes In Utah and fixing the time jurisdiction and control of or such eo courts No 22 I Esplin Esplin Approving Ig and ratifying rati rati- the Colorado river compact ct ami providing for tor certification of the time action ac ac- action C. C tion Hon of or the time six other which h e have already aheady ratified and null to the federal lal goern government t. t I No 25 Jorgenson Providing for fir forthe r I the staging of boxing bouts buts II by Juul- Juul on ort clubs lI en licensed lIend d h by lu the com commissioners com missioners of In Incorporated i gilles Giles iU s or j towns town or 01 other city governing o lOll Ie 1 I No o. o 4 1 Joi-genson Joi Decreasing Jorgenson-Decreasing Decreasing ud i n num 1 ber her of members of bf state stale sod land board hOArd No 27 Hanson Fixing 1 Fixing minimum I crews for freight un and Passenger trail 1 j I z I d |