Show Boys Boy's Mens Men's wool part wool Sweaters Blazers Discount 25 BOYS GHEY GUEY BOYS BOPS HEAVY KNIT BOYS RED AND TAN AND BROWN BRON MAROON Blazer Sf Style e HEATHER 2 pockets Coat Style 2 pockets 2 pockets Coat Style 1 75 1 11 0 Value for 2 59 Value for 1 35 Value for BOYS nOYS BROWN MENS IlEA HEAVY VY KNIT lENS MENS IlEA HEAVY VY KNIT AND GREEN White Tan Trimmed I Black Orange Trimmed 4 pockets Coat style 2 pockets 2 pockets M nr 4 35 4 35 4 3 35 Value for Value for Value for TOJ MENS ENS HOKER KNIT HENS l COAT COAr STYLE MENS lIENS CARDINAL Colors Blue Blue White 2 pockets Heavy I Weight Coat Style and Scarlet Coat Style Tan with Buff Collar COnal 2 poc pockets k ets n fir n 3 3 35 39 95 3 3 95 Value Vallie for OUd Value for Value for U. U And many others of to choose from The Golden Rule- Rule Delta Look At Our Windows Charles Peppard spent several days in Delta this week With Dunlop Tires YOU GET EVERYTHING oa 4 r t q DOND DUNLOP D tY t P Y you want Dunlop tires are known around the world as the worlds world's finest Backed by hy 40 years' years experience Over 26 Million lillion Dunlops now running you want The prices are the lowest ever offered for quality peak tires Prices arc are so low Jow that it is now sheer economy to replace old tires with new Dunlops you want a Guaranteed against all road hazards hazards hazards haz haz- ards for 12 months Guarantee in inform form of ironclad Surety Bond issued h by American Surety Com pany Ask us to show you yon a sum Bum pie bond Lond you want wantS S We will even keep your tires in repair free of charge for year asper as asper per Surety Bond If your tire is injured beyond repair we will wUl replace it at reduced price e. e Come in and talk over your tires NOW Dunlops Dunlop's new Winterized Winterised ed Tire now in stock ock This ThE doe does away with Chain Chains Wm Vans Van's Garage Delta Utah 4 t P G D. D Mrs Thenelda Black left for Sal ako ake City Monday to spend the wee weel There here there Pills that give the system a square squar c I I deal Watch for date I Mr Kendall from from was a aDelta aDelta Delta visitor this week I Filial PUla I Plush Pills II PILLS tit III I CREST i it THEATRE Now Playing I HOOT GIBSON in inKING inKING in inKING KING OF THE TIIE RODEO All the big time hair raising rais rais- raising I ing stunts of the big Chicago Chicago Chi Chicago cago Rodeo Thrills by the score and laughs ga ga- I lore Dont Don't miss it 1 CHARLIE IE CHAPLIN Comedy and News Reel Ree Saturday Bi Big Double B Bill Good Morning Judge The funniest and snappiest picture of his career And then between shows The faculty V VAUDE AUDE you have heard so much about If you saw it before you know you will want to see it again and if you didn't see it then dont don't miss it now Sun and Mon Mon l CLARA BOW InGet in inG inGet G Get et Y Your our Man M an And Claras Clara's the girl who I can do it No uniform no badge no pistol no canon not not even a blood hound Just Justi i 1 little high powered vamping But it works Come in and see Comedy and News Reel Inquire at the Crest Theatre Theatre Theatre The The- atre how you can win a piece 62 set of Golden Preas ant China worth 27 FREE I I CALL FOR BIDS Notice is hereby given n that the Board of Education of Millard Ullard County County County Coun Coun- ty School District will receive bids for the rebuilding of the Delta High School according to plans and specifications spec spec- on file In its office at Fillmore Fillmore Fill Fill- more up to and until February Said Sald bids will be opened February at Delta music room All bids must be accompanied by a n. certified check for 5 6 of the cost of the build build- ing TIle The Board reserves the tae right to reject any and all bids Millard County Board of ot Education By Genevieve Badger Clerk Jan 31 Feb Fob 8 I SPECIAL I f t v OFFER FREE SHAMPOO S t tI I wi with th each Marcell next Mon Tues and Wed t I r Killpack Beauty It I i z Parlor t t o I Delta Cleaning Company I I wish to state to my many friends and customers custom custom- ers that after February 1 1929 the Delta Cleaning Company will be leased to Lamont Lament Works and I wish you would give him the I patronage you have heretofore heretofore here here- given me L E. E E. E PETERSON i m i I mm n tm aa n i Ericks Erick's Sandwich Shop Chicken Sandwich Hamb Hot HotDog Dog lOc Hot Rot Chilli Hot Chocolate Other Refreshments CLASSIFIED ADS FOR FOB SALE Chevrolet motor for tor pump drive or power Magnet Magne completely completely com com- overhauled 2500 v W. W E. E Cooks Vans Van's Garage FOR SALE Ford motor completely overhauled without starter and generator gen gen- Orator 1200 W. W E E. E Cook Vans Van's Garage FOR FOIl SALE Federal Radio Excellent Excellent Excellent Excell Excell- ent tone and a beautiful machine I Batteries and loud speaker complete Works fine Reed need Whicker FOR SALE A good stout trailer trailer Earl Seams tt ti Sug Sugarville FOR SALE About shares of ot Deseret Irrigation Co water stock For particulars write to M. M W. W Mitchell tf tt 1716 Rose St. St Berkeley Gig Simons Undertakers Ph l. WEBS For All Occasions HAROLD BLACK LACK Phone 1 43 Delta Utah SAY IT WITH FLOWERS VERS FOR SALE An u opportunity comes coined like liko this but once uncut Modern bungalow hardwood floor 2 bed rooms bath breakfast nook Only 2200 for tor quilk sale Terms Apply Appl Gladys Glads Bishop Delta Drug tf tt WE E nul all kinds livestock poul- poul try Veal a specialty at shop or will call July Call Hinckley Meat Market Pills Pills fills PILLS PILLS PILLS Mrs W. W H. H Pace entertained at atler atler ler ier home Monday afternoon in cel- cel bration of her birthday Mrs Beckwith Beckwith Beck Beck- BeCk I with Mrs Cook Mrs Edwards Mrs Petty Mrs Jesse Works Mrs Edwin I Works and Mrs Greenwood were present resent and enjoyed the birthday inner Jinner served at five o'clock T. T r The re ref of for f r Tile TIIe c r of f r. r Dear Doc At last I have worn out that G J tire I ed from you some 18 months ago As I promised yetI you yet yO I would let you know Inow what I thought of the G J 1 am writing you this letter You will remember that the ithe time I purchased them I did not think much of them But now I will give you the facts facts- on these two tires I blew one out in an accident the other day between be- be between between be be- tween St. St George and Cedar City That tire had been 6 running on the wheel for miles and I am more than pleased with the service I received The other tire is still going strong I will be in to buy some more on my next trip I f Yours truly IRA HINCKLEY See DOC the Tire Man Ian at our Service St Station tion Hal Oil Company Bear Dear River Mutual l Fire Insurance Company COMPARE OUR RATES WITH YOURS YOURS YOURS' Per 1000 for Five Years Brick Stone Co Concrete crete DWELLING and Contents Frame DWELLING and Contents Coops Garages Barns etc and Contents w.- w. 2500 JOSEPH L. L ANDERSON Local Agent Phone or Write Oak City Utah |