Show i L it OASIS ODDI ODDITIES IES I r Mrs Eva Cahoon was ed or Monday by the relate ns s Mr and Mrs James Christensen Irand Ir lr 1 and ind Mrs R. R S. S Hatton Mrs Mrs Tele Roundy Mrs Ella Christensen Mrs Lars Hanson Mrs Mrs Josephine Ander Anderson son on The occasion was Mrs CahoonE birthday Mr Pet Peter H H. H r Peterson has been confined con con- tined fined to his bed this week Mrs Jacob Hawley is ill III at this thin writing Mr Dir and Mrs George Roundy en en- the C. C N. N Club Friday night The fhe evening was spent In playing at ards Ed Christensen was high orvel Christenson the con con- Mrs 1 Peter Anderson entertained entertained enter enter- Sunday night to Mr Dir and Mrs Poison Polson Mr Mr and Mrs Enoch Gillen GWen ind teachers of the tho A. A A C. C Nelson The Oasis Ward Vard Relief Society gave a 1 social Tuesday A sp splendid pro ram gram was given en followed by refresh ments meats I I Mr and Mrs Norvel Christensen Entertained at a turkey dinner to the I guests Mr and Mrs Wil Bishop 11 1 Mr and Mrs J James mes Chrisensen Christansen Chris I J ensen 11 1 Mr and Mrs George Roundy Frank Bishop and Ed Christenson Christensen Can anyone anone guess why Art shaved shave off oCt his bis whiskers And such boo booties lies too Note by Editor Please sign your youl writing always each week Wo We Qt art arE j lad to get news of your town ant ane isk you to continue |