Show WIN A SUBSCRIPTION FREE TO IS THIS PAPER We will give a years year's paid up subscription subscription subscription sub sub- or extend an existent subscription subscription subscription sub sub- to the first five persons who will write us that they have seen the advertisement and andin andin in their letter give whose ad it was where they saw It and the date To the best one ono of ot those five tive letters we will give to the person parson who has written written written writ writ- ten it It either cr new or 01 extended subscription subscription subscription sub sub- to the value of FIVE DOLLARS DOLLARS DOLLARS DOL DOL- LARS which is two years and a half halt What we want the winner to show in his letter is his own experience with the tho good old dairy cow with especial especial especial es es- reference to depleted land run Tun down and a change to betterment both in land and in hi his hie when he changed over from froma a one-crop one system to milking Each E letter must be signed and pinned to It at least one weigh check or cream to the firm from whom we copied the advertisement The following is the best most concise presentation of fact and experience experience ex ex- ex- ex we have seen In favor of the dairy cow Somewhere it is used in ad nd ad- ad Nearly all aU older well settled I ivo avo gone through the exper- exper nce of depleting depicting their soils by con- con 1 Tiring pring without replenish replenish- S g f fertility only to find that cornn com com- n n 1 of the soil was sure me rie i l PI i for a n remedy InvarIably invariably invariably led to the dairy cow Today be pe J is recognized as the most economical economical economical eco eco- and practical means of hull building ding up soil soU fertility She is a valuable cream factory but that isn't all aU she she win will save or retain the crop producing power of your from We want the best essay of local actual experience that embodies the foregoing thought Each letter must be signed by the farmer In his real name We will withhold the name if It you desire but we will publish the letter and lat later r tell who the winners are The opportunity opportunity opportunity op op- op- op closes March 1st Believing firmly that many of ot our fields have been kept to one crop too long not fertilized back into it and that much of ot our troubles with parasites parasites parasites par par- poor yield and so forth can be largely helped we will pay 12 1250 50 i to find out five other persons who as we do and what caused them to think that way Comply with the conditions and write us your experience and be free from a n bill on the paper for one or ono or maybe two and a half halt years |