Show 51 AT PROVO Elmer Peterson of Oasis was given give givena n a principal part in the school play atthe at Ithe the IB lB Y U. U He Ho won this distinction over over other contestants The play this year in entitled The Swan Swall Miss Rayda Riding of Delta express as s herself as enjoying her work at atthe atthe atthe the Y The B. B Y Y U U. U team start start- ad d of this season in fine fettle b I the U. U squad in a two game gam series erles last week The Ys Y's won both jy y a small mar margin in After the U U. U A 3 J. defeated Montana State in one oi of t lie he liwo games the B B. B Y Y U. U found it- it kelt I. I elf in the lead in the Mt Con Con- Hinckley visitors to the Leader- Leader week at the B B. B Y U. U were Dir Mr Jon on T. T Bishop Mrs H H. H L L. L Bishop 1 t Mrs firs Joseph M. M Wright and and Mrs fohn E E. E Wright Zela Moody was at the head of a I roup roue of ot students who had charge h rg f one of the Lea p week week pro pro- rams The 0 of 01 the vas as to illustrate ho how a family on should be held Au Ii the were considered as r i rs rs is o of the amny amily Each Ench step of amily on on was carried out he 10 om tom t r getting getLing getting get get- ting Ling acquainted with wih th the ct i 1 r relative to o stuffing a J lop in the mouth mouth of Dr Co Corn n He tenses tense's Jes Je's br bra and for tor Olce oace o ice up that tat d diming dc iming racket It wm was illustrated well we hope to Q o see miny m family 1 re r reunions unions adopt its effective affective 3 |