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Show A CHILD'S ADVICE. Lifth Howard, whoso ago is fivo jrar, has an older brother who has rccmtlv been admitted to membership member-ship in tho boy choir of a fashionable fashion-able Episcopal church. One day Howard heard his mother taking his father to task because he had never gone to hear his older son sing. Howard had frequently been taken to services by his mother or his grandmother, and he seemed to bo inther proud of tho fact that among tho surpliced bojs who marched in at tho beginning of tho ceremonies and out at tho cloo was Palmer, his "big brother." One Sunday morning Howard's father, somewhat conscience stricken, strick-en, mo hap, said, after getting up from the breakfast tabic: "Well, I think I'll go to church to-day and hear Palme : sing." Howaid looked up at him very gravely and said: "I would adviso vou to go in tho afternoon. They don't let tho preacher havo so much to do, nnd it's shorter then." Judge. |