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Show H Cnrcs IVoinnn's Weaknesses. H V.'o refer to that boon to weak, nervous, H suffering women Known as Dr. l'krcu's H ' Fuvorltu rri'K'rlptinii. H Dr. .lotui I' fo one of tho lMltorla Start H of Tiik r.ci.ix-ric Mi.oioai, Ui:vn:w sajs H of UiiK-orn root (('eiiliM Iioku) ulileli H Is one of the chief IiiK-rcdlenUof tho "IV H vorlto Procrlptlmr "A iiimtly which li nrlnlily ncttcs anlcr- H Inolmlt'oriitur inukct for nurinnl nc- H llvlty of (ho entire it ininlm'tlni Motun." H He cimtlmu s "In lli'lnnlu. wr hiMiftinulloa- H mi'iit which mum fullj ontni'M thu nlnno B , IiuriHiM's fmii miy i.tlicr tlriw utth uhteh I nm aruifcKiifrcf. lutliu tli-atniiiit of iIIm'Ssl-i ih- 1 cullnr lo minim II Is sililom that a cnsii Is 1 M'i'ii which docs not mim nt scum Indication H for thN trim dial nu'int " Dr. l'jfu further B rays: "The following an' MnonK the Icaillne 1 liullcntlonHforllt'loiilaiirnlcoiiiiiiol). l'aln H or aclilntr In the hark, with leuiorrmca t H atonic (ncakH'onilltloiH of the iniroiluctho H ortrnni of women, mental ilcpri'vloii anil lr- H rltatilllty. nvtM'laUil with chuMiU' (INciwiof llic riprcHhu'lUt' utmun of wemun; coiiHtBlit H M'nsatlon of heat In the tieion of tho klil- H nejKi inelioilliiiiflu (lUHHllnfl. line lo a weak- H mill coixllllon of the repi-ixlnciltii t.jstem: H aminorrhien (-ureli'cil liy nhMiit mnntlily B ihtIoiN). uiMiii; fiom or accomiiaiDlni: an H almormal ronilltlon of the illire-tlM' orKan H anil amende (thtn lilood ) halilti drairflna H Miisalluns la luu uxtnino lo'ei part of thu 1 alxlotnen." H If more or W of the nlmse symptoms H are iire-ent, no Invnllil wotnnn can do M better than take Dr. I'lcrecV l'avorlto H Pre-crlitlon, one of the lending incredl- H cuts of hlcli Is Unicorn root, or Ilehmlai, H nnd tho medical in'operties of which It H most faithfully icprc.-ent. H Of Coldeu Seal root, imother promlnrnt M Inert illcnt of "I'aMirlto rrecrliitlon," B l'rof. l'lnley r.llliiKnood, M. I)., of Hen- M nett Medical l'idlee, Chlcnixo, i-.ij: H "It Is an InUHHlunt luu dy In ilioiders of H tlieomli. In all ealanhal conilltlons iiiiiiV Oitd treneral tnfiehleinint, II Is um fnl " H l'rnf. .loliu M. Scmlder, M. I)., Into of H Cincinnati, saj s of (loldon Seal root : H "In lelatlon to Its cincinl elTects on thn f ysU'in. that U no medicine In uie nlmut tchich 1 there I ruch veiieigt uiumimltuiif viitntan. It B Is itnlrcrmilli rck'aidid as Ihc tonic useful lu M all delillltati-d Mates." . . .. B l'rof. It. Ihtrtholow, M. I)., of JelTerton Medical College, says of (iolden Seal : HHH "Valuable In uterine hemorrhage, menor- rliafln (Hooding and coinresthe dysminor- rtiiea (iialuful menstruatlou)." Dr. rlerce's I'avorllo Trescrlptlon faith- H fu'.'.v represents nil thu nlnivo named In- H predlents nnd cures thn diseases for which H they aro rocpmtueudisJ. MDFFnLcad,no Hotel KLLU of Ogtlcn City B Is a model of convenience. The M hotel oillce, 70 x 30 feet, Is the. most B spacious nnd comfortable In the west. Two elevators, no cllmblnc stairs, Ite-ftirnlshed throuk'hout. 1 HoomslarKe, lllit and clean. Steam B heated. inrATIfllJ Three blocks east of I'nlon m LUinilUn. Depots City Halt Park op- H lslte on tho west) Oram! Upora House j adjolnlnif on thosouthi UtahnaPaikThu- H atro across tho btrcut north Thu electric H street railways from all parts of thu city H center at Its doors. EUROPEAN PUN. ftSfoSSPSb H and upwards, Hxcellcnt Cafe In counec- H tlon. Tho best value for thu money In tht M Mate of Utah. H Why not come to the Hotel replete H wltti every comfort when It costs no 1 more money? Reed Hotel Co., Props. Good Judgment is the essential charactcrlstlcKof men and women. Invaluable to good business busi-ness men and necessary to housewives. A woman shows good judgement when she bujs Whites Cream Vermifuge for her baby. The best worm medicine medi-cine ever ollercd to mothers. Many Indeed are the sensible mothers; who wrote expressing their gratitude for tho good health of their children, which they owe to the use of Willie's Cream Vermifuge. Sold by Rlter Ilros. Drug Co. This May Interest You. No one U immune from Kidney trouble, so Just remember that Foley's Kidney Cure will stop the Irregularities Irregulari-ties and cure and case of kidney ud bladder ttouble that Is not beyond the reach of medicine. For sale by all druggists. Accidents will happen, but the best-regulated best-regulated families keep Dr. Thomas' Klectrlc Oil for such emergencies. It subdues the pain and heals the hurls. Doing Business Again. "When my friends thought I was about to take leave of this world, on account of Indigestion, nervousness nnd general debility," writes A. A. Chlsholm, Trcadwell, Js Y., "and when It looked as If there was no hope left, I was persuaded to try Electric lilttcrs, and I rejoice to say that they arecurlng me. I am now doing business again as of old, and am still gaining dally." Hest tonic medicine on earth. Guaranteed by Rlter Ilros. Drug Co. GOc. i i Conference Rates! 5 0, S. L, RAILROAD. 5 ? Tickets on Sale from Utah Points April 3rd to 8th. Good Return to April 15th 0 Train Schedule and Rates: q Stations. Dally Dally Dally R. Trip Preston , 7:10a.m.... $3 85 0 Franklin 7:27 a. m $i 05 am Richmond 7:42 am S3 45 a Smlthfleld 7:56 a. m $3 25 2 Logan ."1:10 p.m 8:15 am $3 05 J Hyrum 1:00pm... .... $3 05 W Wcllsvllle 1:10 p.m.. .... $3 05 0 Mcndon 3:30 pm. 1:33 p.m.. 8:33 a. m $2 85 A A Cache Junction 3:55 pm 3:55 pm .. 8-fl j a m $2 CO a a Salt Lake, Arrive.... 7:35 pm. 7:35 p.m.. 11:45 a.m.... ? Returning Trains for Preston and Intermediate Points at 4:10 p. m.f for Wellsville and Hyrum at llf45 p. m.; Points on Main Line, Mendon and 5 Logan line 10:30 a. m. $5103-35 1 j SWe collected five thousand and N .ffli thirteen dollars and thirty-five (J&'K. W cents for Mrs. Mary Ann Frew. j-ifi j. 0 She lives at Syracuse, Utah, and BIk X 5 & A wlllbeglad to tellyou Ifyou haveBRKPj rjp 4r- X any bad claims to turn them In and vt&&wflMl V7 X 2 we will get some money for you. 'Z&lfyW -S Merchants' Protective Association ! SCIENTIFIC COLLECTORS OF HONEST DEBTS. fa Jf i Fifth Floor Commercial Hlock, Salt Lake City, Utah. K A. FRANCIS G. LUKE, 3cner.il Mgr. "Some People Don't Like us" 3? Ghicaoo Meat Market. m 1 fit M n Highest Cash : 2 Vsvw Price Paid for 5 I m. PORK. j I I fiUdMtX - s- p- S0RENS0N, Proprietor AlitR0GRA!l Scenic Line of the World. A Panorama of Natural Beauty All the Way, SCauyou of the Grande, Eagle River Canyon Wagon Wheel Gap, Glenwood Springs, x Canyo" of the Gunnison, Garden of the Gods Manitou Springs, The Royal Gorge. THROUGH Pullman and Tourist Sleepers To Denver, St. Louis and Chicago. I For rates, folders, free Illustrated booklets, etc., inquire of your nearest ticket agent, specifying the Rio Grande . ioute, or address. fe I. C. BENTON, G P A D, Salt Lake City D5H5H5H5g5B57i5H5H5H57iSS5H5H5H57i5H5H5HHTi57i5H57i5H5gn1 Why not send The Republican to I rj that relative who has gone away? It costs but $2 a year in and would g be to him a big newsy letter. S , JllaSH5?.5B5HSH5H5a5H5H5H5H5a5H5E5H5asa5H5a57i5H5a5aS B i |