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Show Morgan In -Sarcastic Humor. Senntor Morgan wnlkoil Into the sennte lobby, deep In thought. A friend enmo up with him and walked along besldo him. Tho senator said: "flood morning," nnd lot It go at that, and tho filotul tried to mako a little conversation. "Senator," ho said, "I hear tho president pres-ident is going to send in n message on Panama und tho canal." "Yes." bald the senator. "More than that." continued tho friend, vivaciously, "ho is going to establish es-tablish n precedent and Illustrate It." "Illustrate It?" Inquired tho senator, roused to sudden Interest. "Yes, sir." "Put pictures in It, you menn?" "Ye. -sir; exactly that." "Well,", growled tho senator, "I know ono picture Hint will bo In It." "What ono Is that, senator?" "A picture of Hoosovelt." |