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Show The Glass Eye Crop. Tho glass eye crop comes from Thiirlngln. As Newfoundlanders aro fishermen, or as Cubans nro tobacco growers, so the typlrnl Thurlnglnn Is a maker of glass eyes. Almost ovorj' Thuringlu. As Newfoundlanders nro tory. I'Niur men sit nt n tnblc, ench with a gns Jut before lilm. and tho eyes nro blown from plntes nnd molded mold-ed Into shnpo by hand. Tho colors aro traced In with small needles, nnd, ns no set rule Is observed In tho color- Ing, no two ejes nro exnetly nllko. I Sometimes n one eyed mnn or woman come, ninybo, from a grout dlstanco I sIIb befoio ono of these Thurlngian tables, posing for n glass orb, nnd tho artisan, with his gns-jet, his glnss and his needle, looks up at his sitter nnd then down nt bis woik. nnd altogether alto-gether the Krone suggests n portrait painter at work In his studio. |