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Show SIGN WITH THEIR THUMBS. Wyoming Bank's Method of Identification Identifica-tion of Customers. When Mark Twain wrote "Pudd'n-head "Pudd'n-head Wilson" It Is doubtful If ho realized real-ized into what general vogue this novel form of Identification would como, nnd thnt its commercial vnluo nml utility would bo Incalculable. For a number of years thumb prints havo boen ndopted ns n means of Identifying Identify-ing criminals, but it remained for tho Tlrst National bank of Cbeyenno, Wyo., to ndopt this method for tho Identification of ciistomors. Tho bank has a largo number of Jnps, Greeks nnd other foreigners as pntrons, tboso being employed In tho railroad service serv-ice Hut fow of theso can write tho ICuglish language, and some of them i not even their own. As n result, each depositor Is lequlred to mako an Im- j presslon or his thumb, which Is filed . away for recoi d, taking tho place of , tho customary signature. |