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Show H WHEN THE FISH DITE BEST. H It It In the Latter Part of May and H In June. H Fish bile best in the letter port of H liny and in Juno, according to a H writer in the Outer's Hook. This is H due to their mode of protecting H their spawning beds. In midsum- 1 mcr they retire to deeper wnter dur- H ing which time fishing is ery had. H After the first few cool night? of H late summer they mny he found H Again nniong tho weed 9 or on the H (.hallows. Incidentnlly, it mny bo H paid that nny law which permits of H fishing lieforc July 1 is little pro- H tcction to the Imip- in North lake. H There is little to he Raid in favor H of any particular part of the day. It was necr found (lint the early H morning or later afternoon hours H were bettor than midday. H KnMcrly winds arc host. Tho H northeasterly for pickerel and south- B easterly for bass. While btill wenth- cr nnd southwesterly winds are least H favorable. H Times of low barometer, and, we H may conclude, of uuse'tlcd weather, H nro much better for fishing than H periods of high barome'er. Cloudy H weatlicr fnors pickerel, while clear H weather is better for bass. Both H kinds considered, there is no choice. H From this it would follow that n H good day for fishing would be one H with an cast wind, lo " barometer, H clouds for pickerel nnd clear if you H want bass, (lo out late in Mny or in H early June if you want fish and in H enrly September if you are n sports- H man, and then stmt fishing after H you hnvc had n good breakfast and H read the morning papr, if there is H one to be had, and come in at n rea- H ponnblo time m the evening. Wheth- H cr theso conditions would repeatedly H give us good felling iB the question. H Tho figures shown in my tables H rould have ben obtained only from M the fact that iod Cubing did rcpe.it- H cdly occur under J.isl such condi- H tions and with the opening of an- H other season it would he well to H make notes on just this point. |