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Show Hollanders Greatest Smokert. Uimtstnphn cigar! The latest fig-tn fig-tn es aro to hnnd Bhowlng tho nmount of tobacco used and nbttsed nnnunl-ly nnnunl-ly In Kttropo nnd America. In tho former continent tho yearly consumption consump-tion Is estimated at something moro than two nnd n qtinrtcr pounds to each Inhabitant. Taking each country thu position Is thus: Holland smokes the comparatively enormous amount of seven pounds avorago per person, Austria-Hungary 3.S pounds, Denmark 3,7, Switzerland 3.3, llelglum 3.2, Germany Ger-many 3, Norway 2.3, Franco, 2.1, Swollen Swo-llen nearly 2, British Isles 1.31, Italy 1.25, Spain 17 nnd Hitssln 1.2. For tho Ilalkans there aro no returns. In tho United States tho proportion Is greater than that of any European country except Holland, being no less than )', pounds to each Inhabitant |