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Show Comparing Two Generations. Dr. William II. P. I-'auuce president of Ilrown unlveislty. In the course of an addiess at Cooper union, ono of n sorles of public lectures, said: "Tho young peoplo of to-day. as compared with thoso of CO years ago, aro chiefly chief-ly deficient In power of sustained attention at-tention and original thinking. They cannot, or nt lenst they usually do not, think as clearly, as patiently and as cogently ns did their fathers. They do not ns quickly distinguish tho Irrelevant Ir-relevant from tho pertinent, tho kor-nel kor-nel from tho busk, ns the men of tho Inst generation." Dr. Kuunco said, howover, that tho children of this generation gen-eration have an umnilng fund of general gen-eral Information. |