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Show S5ESa5aSB5BSH5a5a5B5HSH5a5aESB5H5HSB5a5g5HS5BSBlBl 'Superior Truss Service. 5 Those needing trusses should remember that our stock and in "j facilities are unusual. Q In We carry every style that may be desired or needtd (o lit any 3 K case, making a specialty of the famous U V White line n K Privacy and undisturbed attention to titling- is Insured by our fl Special Fitting Room. W You arc sure of finding the truss jou need, of being titled ffi In properly and you have our guarantee of perfect satisfaction QJ I Wo carry crutches and an adequate line of elastic stockings, nl adomlnal belts, etc. Special clastic goods ordered specially when n required and made according to careful measurements !j R1TER BROS DRUG CO., 1 No. 33 North Main St., LOGAN, UTAH s ) 25B5E5E5a5a5a5H5g5B5H5E5a5E5B5B5E5H5aga5H5a5E5E5lJl . j J (txv (&tmtmtn I I u i SBwliH!fffif!f!Vflffil ErlNM J 1 1 J ill I lil llM MHBJHMflllllillilliH B 1 & XL JBTllIS label ia In every Durrojap "Korrect fo jrt li Shape" Shoo, ond stands as o. guaron- A. tee that the Durrojap Vamp will not 'J $jt breaK through before the first sole ts worn out. 4t at In the event of a Durrojap Shoo wear- ii 'J. Ing contrary to this guarantee, the retailer Tj. V" from whom these shoes were purchased ts 4$jr authorized to replace them with a new pair J? ite PACKARD CD. FIELD ii X BrocKton. Mass. .'. 6 I 1 $ For sale by Andreas Peterson. g THATCHER OPERA HOUSE MONDAY, APRIL 15th VS Blanche Walsh lo and her Astor Theatre Co In Qlyilc Pitch's Tiemen T'H dous Realistic Diama B "The Straight Road." ( The Real Event of the Logan Season. PRICES - $1.50 $1.00, 50c If you are in the market for Go-Carts and Baby Carriages call and see the disptay in our show window. Our line W is better and more complete than ever beiore, and the lowest price guaranteed. LUNDSTROM Furniture and Carpet Company Skanchy & Berntson m Contractors and llulldcrs Shop tH work a sprclalty Plans gladly fin- M nished. Ilo'h 'phones .H DANCE 1 the i Providence Pavilion Every Saturday Night jl Cushioned floor commodious ll hall, best in the county tM Hack leaves Harris Music Co M 9t corner, Logan, nt .15 cveiy Satur- M day night. 10c a round trip. j HaybalTs I PRICE LIST FOR APRIL. H CO lbs. High Patent Flour for.... $1 10 jH 100 lbs Ilran for 00 H 10 lbs. Sugar for 1 00 H 1(1 lbs. best Head Iticc 1 00 Pickles per keg 75 lH .1 packages Tea 50 fl 10 cans Utah Tomatoes 100 M 10 cans best Corn for 100 JH 10 cans Green Peas for 1 00 M .leans Mustard Sardines for ... 25 M 5 cans Oil Sardines for 25 jH P bars Laundry Soap 100 H 30 bars K V. Soap for 1 00 9 20 bars Diamond C Soap for 1 00 HI 1(1 bars Heat 'Km All Soap for . . . 1 00 IH GO IU. Dig Four Flour for 75 H 60 lbs Fancy Flour for 85 Bfl 50 lbs Whole Wheat Flour for. . . 1 00 jH H. G. Hawaii I 53-55 WEST CENTER St. 9 i jH |