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Show The: !S S 1 VV Purpose Tiller Jf$0 and Tractor MERRY TILLER j WILL ! Plow, disc, harrow, make furrows, bulldoze and level I ground, mow lawn and hay, ' cut and mulch vegetation I back into the soil, move ! snow with rotary attach- j ments. The best year-round I implement money can buy. SEE YOUR LOCAL DEALER OR WRITE Cedar Motor Go. 145 North Main eras The government's new policy of stockpiling metals is welcome assistance to Utah's mines. But actually, it's a stopgap measure that doesn't assure our people of continued payrolls, supply purchases and tax payments. We really need a long range program that will keep mining healthy and our state prosperous. Aw we9" ,!ie (1 Cx YES effective April 1, Congress reduced the Federal Excise Taxes from 25 to 10 f c on Long Distance telephone calls. That means, for example, that your tax on a call costing $1.00 will be only 10c, compared with 25c before April 1. This saving goes entirely to our customers-not customers-not one penny of it to the Telephone Company. What's more, the tax on your local service has been reduced from 15 to 10. Cedar Service Co. Standard Oi! Products 92 North Main Street HlhliliHIil i til ili.liill llll.lllii,lili1l'i"lllil'll1fWTfffiaffli Advertisement rom Were Slt- Je Marsh Jf Easy Does ItAgain! Ladic9 Aid Society had their it and hurry down to buy that rummage sale the other night jacket back. This is the third time and as soon as the doors opened, I've done it!" "Easy" Roberts was inside. From where I sit, everyone's en- Without a word, he headed titled to his own likes whether straight for the coat counter, it's a sports jacket, a baseball picked out a shabby old tweed team, or the beverage he likes for jacket, and paid for it. "Easy" dinner. For example, the wife told me a little later that buying likes coffee along with Saturday his jacket back was getting to night spaghetti while I like a be a regular habit. Rlass of beer. We never try to "That's been my favorite """" Meh other on our personal imoking jacket for years," he Vrthmen. said. "And my wife talks me into S" giving it away regularly. Then I AtCC M(Ai get to thinking how much I like (s vm Copyright, 19S4, United States Brtven Foundation Have nationally Jk advertised Culligan (fx f Soft Water Service. Rja There's no equip- WXJty ment to buy . . . no maintenance 7 f work. IMIi For the orrag Owrmwrf kvA family S2.&0 per Jjfi-sA month paid by lh 4 PW "ij year. $2.70 If paid I Cf i ay 'he month. V ynii ATKIN PLUMBING 139 North 100 West Cedar City, Utah j Ov k! EST OUT Why not give the lady of the house a vacation from I the kitchen? Drop in this week end for a real taste treat in Chinese or American dishes. You'll find a selection that's sure to please. j 7an 6a4t Cae enrich its Great Bourbon i flavor litl OlD lili 0 O11 Srfj straichtBOURBONwhisky 86 PROOF OLD HICKORY DISTILLING CORPORATION PHILA, PAi |