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Show Kiwani-Anns The Kiwani-Anns will stage a dinner meeting April 12 with their husbands present for the occasion. The meeting will be held at El Escalante hotel Monday Mon-day evening, April 12. An Easter program will be presented pre-sented featuring a sphitual reading read-ing by Mrs. Anne Leavitt, followed fol-lowed by a short musical program. pro-gram. undergone an operation on his eyes and is reported to be improving im-proving rapidly. Mr. and Mrs. Homer Starr and two daughters are vacationing in Sar. Francisco this week.- Mr. and Mrs. Jack Pintus of Price spent Friday visiting with their daughter, Mrs. Kaiph Box and family. After visiting here they left for a vacation trip to Los Angeles. The Twinkler's Club will meet Monday, April 5 at the Masonic temple for the regular meeting and social of the group. Ladies of the Order of Ear.tern Star are cordially invited to ettend. |