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Show Junior High Students Learn Real Spirit of Christmas "Students at Cedar Junior high school have really learned the true spirit of Christmas this year," Lorin C. Miles, prinicpal of the school, declared Wednesday. Wednes-day. "Besides beautifully decorating the rooms and enjoying a program pro-gram and dance, students voluntarily volun-tarily went without a gift exchange ex-change and pooled their pennies to help the less fortunate students stu-dents who were ill or in need," Mr. Miles reported. The outstanding outstand-ing accomplishment in the school's program to educate for the true Christmas spirit is that students themselves suggested forgoing of a gift exchange in order to help their less fortunate fortu-nate fellows, he said. The "Spirit of Christmas" training was recently approved by a meeting of the school's Parent-Teachers Assn. Materials used in decorating for the holidays were prepared by the students in their art activity ac-tivity classes. The student dance last week was decorated on the theme "Jingle Bells". The entire past week at the school has been devoted to aiding aid-ing sick, hospitalized and under-privileged persons, Mr. Miles said. |