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Show Additional Little League Crews Select Players Two new Little League baseball base-ball teams have been added to the program in Cedar City and after three weeks of tryouts and selections the managers of the new Milne Truck Lines and Columbia Co-lumbia Iron Mines teams met with the player-agent Tuesday evening and selected 15 youths to fill each of the teams. Cleo Petty, president of the league, and Morgan Rollo, player-agent, conducted the auction Tuesday i.ight. Roger Felt and W. O. Stratton will manage the Milne crew and Bill Herald and Bud Fullmei will take over the managerial duties for the mines nine. A list of selections is as follows: fol-lows: Milne Truck Lines: Leon Ilea-ton, Ilea-ton, La-ry Anderson, Craig Ash- down, John Ilenrie, Kendall Coss-lett, Coss-lett, Gerald Stokes, Jack Carpenter, Car-penter, Allen Roberts, Lee Ilal-sell, Ilal-sell, Danny Haycock, William Short, Jimmy Karr, Kendall Stap-ley Stap-ley and Melvin Clark. Columbia Iron Mines: Tommy Kirtley, Kenneth Benson, Curtis Larson, Lle Bawden, Neil Beat-ty, Beat-ty, Ke.it Bradshaw, Calvin Benson, Ben-son, Lou Jones, Gene Smith, Dean Bawden, McLain By bee, Danny J?nson, James Sherratt, Antone Pryor and Sterling Orton. Boys who were not selected on these two teams have been advised that further tryouts to replenish re-plenish men on the already established es-tablished Kiwanis, Elks, Rotary and Lions teams will be continued contin-ued this week end, Friday and Saturday. Boys nine and 10 will try out at 4:30 p. m. and 11 and 12 year elds will try-out at 5:30 p. m. Selections for the teams, approximately ap-proximately 17 more boys, will be made early next week. All boys not selected for one of the little league teams will be organized into a minor league for the summer's recreation program. |