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Show Smart Slimmer Sportswear for Boys and Girls Hobby Slack Set - Styled by Klad-ezee Now for toddler boys and x C . girls casual sportswear V just like the grownups r I a hobby, slack suit '. of tough denim. Jx- for a neat ( comfortable p M ' A , fit. Knit trim ' j(l I f on the zip-front Ji$$!lif jacket and j',' '- elastic waist JJ jf j band on match- 1' . " J ing slacks. f! j Plenty of pockets,) ; f I too. k V i kt Sizes 2, 3, 4. i . M " ; ... . . BOB & BETTY SHOP "Where Buying Is a Genuine Pleasure" 152 North Main Cedar City mow SftlTnw OF DISTINCTION jtUl J ! $up.rlollv quality flpttlcki, J ' - si JT powder, crwnet, lollont, co- f , , , j lognct o your finger rlp In I f ' 'I Mm oHroctW nw diplay ? "i'!r- - " J rack, look for B . . . thop H ---J-, Look for the ExCel-Cis DISPLAY New Higher Power... New Lower Prices Here's where your money buy9 more auto- Spectacular new dual-carburetor power and mobile-more room, more visibility, more performance w,thamaz.n : economy. Abner 8heer luxury than you can get in any other car Reclining Seats and Twin Beds available. Now within hundreds of dollars of its modest price. at new low prices! See it. Dnve.it. Buy it! UTAH HASH - 100 South Main, Telephone 43 SOCIETY NOTES By Mrs. Ralph Box Mis. William Herald set the scene Wednesday evening at her home for a hanky shower for Mrs. Ralph Box. Mrs. Herald was assisted by Mrs. R. L. Wahl at a dessert luncheon and cards enjoyed en-joyed by the following guests: Mrs. S. A. Schmltt, Mrs. C. J. Lynch, Mrs. Evan Caruthers, Mrs. Ernest Boyns, Mrs. Robert H. Smith, Mrs. Fred Bunnell, Mrs. Carl Wasmuth, Mrs. H. M. Ends-ley, Ends-ley, Mrs. Clayton Lewis, Mrs. Fred LaFrentz, Mrs. Lewis Gu-thiel, Gu-thiel, Mrs. Dan Gillies, Mrs. Criss Mason, Jr., Mrs. Harold Wycoff, Mrs. Murray Butler, Mrs. Floyd Eyman and Mrs. Howard Mace. Mrs. Blaine Standifird was pleasantly surprised Thursday with a birthday brunch at the home of Mrs. Boyd Paulson. A gift was presented to the honored guest by Mrs. John Rowberry, Mrs. Adrian Bunting, Mrs. G. D. MacDonald, Mrs. Virgil Bird, Mrs. Robert Loer, Mrs. Boyd Leonard, Mrs. Harold Wycoff, Mrs. Ralph Box and Mrs. Paulson. Thursday Mrs. Harold Wycoff Mrs. Blaine Standifird and Mrs. Boyd Leonard entertained at a bridge luncheon for Mrs. Ralph Box. Guests included Mrs. Virgil Bird, Mrs. Jack Strate, Mrs! Murray Mur-ray Butler, Mrs. Grant Seaman, Mrs. Tony Lambert, Mrs. Howard Mace, Mrs. R. L. Wahl, Mrs. William Wil-liam Herald, Mrs. Adrian Bunting, Bunt-ing, and Mrs. Al Jensen. Score prizes were awarded Mrs. Butler, Mrs. Strate and Mrs. Seaman. A lovely gift was presented Mrs. Box from the hostesses. Mrs. Robert Smith assisted by Mrs. Carl Wasmuth were hostesses hostess-es at a one o'clock luncheon Tuesday at the Smith home for Mrs. Ralph Box. Guests included Mrs. Fred Biederman, Mrs. Karl Gardner, Mrs. Otto Junge, Mrs. S. A. Schmitt, Mrs. Harold Wycoff, Wy-coff, Mrs. Clayton Lewis and Mrs. R. L. Wahl. The afternoon was enjoyed playing cards. Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Starr of McKeesport, Pa., are visiting at the home of their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Homer Starr. They plan a number num-ber of scenic tours while on their visit In this area. Mr. and Mrs. Karl Gardner and children returned early this week from a tour of California. Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Paulson and children were Salt Lake City visitors vis-itors last week end. Mrs. Homer Starr entertained ; at her home Wednesday at one a o'clock luncheon for Mrs. Chas. H. Starr. The afternoon was enjoyed en-joyed at bridge by Mrs. Robert Faddis, Mrs. Jack Strate, Mrs. Tony Lambert, Mrs. Boyd Leonard, Leon-ard, Mrs. Carlos Taylor, Mrs. Ralph Box, Mrs. Harold Wycoff, Mrs. R. L. Wahl, Mrs. Howard '. Mace, Mrs. William Herald and ; Mrs. Blaine Standifird. Lowe Dance Studios present "SWING IT CINDERELLA" A 3-act Musical Comedy FIRST WARD RECREATION HALL Wed., May 26 at 8 p. m. Adults 50c Children 25c ' i MULLETT'S rr- DIAMOND RINGS for nj&i Vw The Modern Bride ff'jl: O (IOC 6 precious diamonds glorify this ' zz IAJ pair 0j exquisitely wrought 14K EASY TERMS ARRANGED gold settings. MODERN RINGS for today's bride . . . Feature Lock diamond bridal sets "lock" together in perfect position for massed brilliance . . . assuring you everlasting beauty and harmony. It's the greatest advance in ring styling for more than 100 years, and discriminating . women everywhere are wearing Feature Lock. You can buy the diamond engagement ring now . . . and the wedding ring latei. Mullett Jewelry Store 83 North Main Telephone 1 Rings enlarged to show detail .aT J Your Store of Fash- p nn is.oic, uroiKHij Ufejl rw... Heavenly Creations for the Bride ALTERATION ' IT JL . SERVICE ON IV ?) XiWy A WEDDING urcjy gowns Visit Castleton's First of O S,lnl' LouU (P. S. An attrac- For Bridal Gowns, Veils, tlveIy b(ed blue Tiarras, complete garter goes with Bride's Wardrobe every wedding i dress). |