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Show sfS. THE REAL QUESTION. r A The real question of disease j? J I is " Can I be cured ? " If yoa - -J or anyone dear to you is losing J strength and energy and vital-Jyr vital-Jyr ity, if you are wise you will not M spend much time trying to fig-fir fig-fir ure oat just what name to call H the disease by. It is almost impossible to draw the line wher debility and weakness merge into consumption. con-sumption. Your trouble may not be consumption con-sumption to-day, but you don't know what it may become to-mor- -o rrrs row. Hundreds of peo- &$&iZaaat pie have been restored T'lk to robust health and f condition by Dr. iMg&Ml&H Pierce's marvelous ,l4S4M "Golden Medical Vl Discovery" after J , reputable, physi- C cians had pro-I consamp- Tsl tive be- j ' yond hope. ' ' Were they in consumption ? You don't know; nobodjr can ever know; but that is aot the question. The important point is that they were hopelessly ill but this matchless match-less "Discovery" restored and saved them. " I was not able to do hardly any work at all," says Mrs. Jennie Dingman, of Vanburen, Kalkaska Kal-kaska Co., Mich., in a most interesting letter to Dr. Pierce. "I had pain in my left side and bacll, and had headache all the time. I tried your medicine and it helped me. Last spring I had a bad cough; I got so bad I had to be in bed all the time. " My husband thought I had consumption. He wanted me to get a doctor, but I told him if it was consumption they could not help me. We thought we would try Dr. Pierce's Golden Medi cal Discovery and before I had taken one bottle the cough was stopped and I have had no more of it returning. Your medicine is the best I have ever taken." Write to Dr. R. V. Pierce. He will send you good fatherly, professional advice in a plain sealed envelope absolutely free. His thirty years experience as chief consulting- physician of the Invalids' Hotel, at Buffalo, N. Y., has made him an expert in chronic diseases. Trunk Facnry. oliyeb r. meredith TRUNK AND BICYCLE REPAIRING, Waverly, Andrae and Spaldin g Bicycles. j . 29 East First South Street, Salt Lake Ctty Utah- I '4 i ' THE COMMERCIAL DEPARTMENT ..... OF THE DENVER NORMAL AND PREPARATORY SCHOOL, 1543 Glenarm Street, Denver, Colo. We have solved the problem of a sh ort and complete course 1t Stenography at less than one-half the cost by the old systems. No teacher, studervt or pro-i'eaaional pro-i'eaaional man or woman need be without a practical knowledge of this tim. saving accomplishment. Students may begin at any tim. School op through the summer. THE jDos the suBjUNDof HOUSE PAINTS We now carry a full line of AH Kinds ol Paints, Varnish and Brushes. d. i w-iiTiiwi co. . 168 Main Street, Salt Lake City. Agents-for Carter White Lead. . . i CaSder's Music Palace, I I The Oldest, Largest and Leading Music House in the West J $ ' We carry the best. We make no $ jff 7iS'' ' misrepresentations. All our goods f I Iff jj are guaranteed. We represent the 9 'flSi LAKGEST and BEST manufacturers J Y of PIANOS and ORGANS in the T I nmSWiiu WoTld- & iifcfv ,i''KjJ: h Jt wil save yu mone7 by dealing f I J; I kt , "with us. ; I lrTT We invite you to call whether you A 'ferjfeSpfT- purchase or not. f 45-47 WEST FIRST SOUTH STREET. I HBf MM HIE mmWl Ml. ; . . . The best bargain chances of the year. High class $1.50 Novelties, including the most exquisite weaves in x novelties this week at half prices. Broken lines, odds exclusive patterns; this week at half price, 4 and ends and small lots of Wash Fabrics are thrownjper yard luu T out regardless of cost or value. Bargains that will in-j sure the greatest enthusiasm among the economy lov- , ing people ot Salt Lake. Read carefully. the prices below.j Whif CwClCiA' Affrpfinn Printed crashes in linen colored grounds and G-L'! ffUIIX rLl.l aiUUl 13. I striped effects, worth 12c, go this week per yd o o r0fl " DfiH t!ip I ictf A Covert Cloths In checked and diagonal effects 1 i FHCeS KeClUCeCl. KeatJ ine L.1SL. f usually sold at Inc. reduced this week to per yd iW A iimitej quantity of 40 inch wide White India 1 f!2p Finest real Embroideded French Novelty Zephyrs,! Linen, reduced from 25c to, per yard lujw A very popular, all the leading colors, worth 45c, 27C a limited quantity of 40 inch wide White 1 ftlp reduced this -week to. per yard 'Vswis reduced from 25c. to, per yard lOjC A , $1.00 qualitv hand made Dotted Swisses, the daintiest! of dainty weaves, a tinted quantity of light KfH-'A S5c duality White French Batiste, 48 inches CQ'p blues and pink, at half price, per yard wUOj wide, goes thi3 week per yard $ . : : ! : . Sale of Remnants Continued. f Some new pieces have bzen addzd to ths Rzmnant Sale of Wash Dress Goods and White Goods. Short lengths of the Finzst Novelties are included. There is prob- a ably enough to last three days longer during which the Price Chances are exceptional. J I JUST RECEIVEDss- ' 250 Selected Styles of the Celebrated I Whitney's Baby Carriages and Go-Carts. : TIME'S HERE 1 to give the baby the benefit of the fine S flCpST' weather and sunshine. We have the SilFf best Carriages and Qo-Carts in the world S W here t0 show you' New and Elegant - lpf Styles at Prices that will make you buy. S Xmm CASH OR CREDIT. 51, 53,-55, ST East First South Street. j |