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Show The French Wife In Frame the wire's abnorptlnn In her htiHbanls interests Is cseti more Intense In proportion ns the life of n typltnl French menage la tintrowcr thin that of nil English household Americans have a curiously false ton ceptlon of the domestic conditions that irevall In Frame Tho sort nf trench novel (hit Is written In Tarls largely for exiort to the United Sluice and Russia In ptnbably responsible for our offensive und thoroughly bizarre Im uglnlngs Ihe French wire up viewed thtougli Die lenses held before, our csea bs Messieurs tie Maupassant l'iesoi Mentlea and Ulnlat) Ih a sensuoute fas dinning creittuie whose time la wholls Blent In sis Intrigue und whose eiuea lion Is confined lo the conjugation of the vers tromper The aserage meil can Is willing tn believe all this le cnuse he thinks he known that I tench mnrrlages nre entirely rammer 111 in their chirtcter und sold of love mil he contrasts them unfavotabls with our superior evstrm according tn which n young girl s sentimental educntl n he gins while she Is In short tlresHcs inn llnues tlnough n eerlcB of nimmei night lllrl itlnns and ' straw tides an I binds her at ihe altar onlv after she baa been promlseuoukly pawed bs half or her mile acquaintance ihe ,merl can In bis Ignorance knows nothing of the Intense dttcorum of Ihe tyrl 11! Ftench family the myriad convention alltles which no one di earns nf viol it ng the purity of thought anl life an I the perfect devotion and resrt which llt'lf Tn "a" ai""Ur "" '" ' "" Ideal No- de s he know how the vers ?.a.r,r0ii??i,8' thal !'" Cl,m" '""" th-fact th-fact thi t the mernbm of a French Sel'v".ht!n .J" """'"nt uu.o them selv s In the completeneM of n,er I'"'0" " true Is ihe old saying that nrrtUfnk"lh ,neakln8 PP! have "he w nrd for home vv hlle the Trench a though ihey dr. not have the word pos sess the thing Itseir The French fan" ily In fact constitutes the Indlilsih. unit of the sunt of nationality amMn hn-..MPly the. vslfe Is but the l,,i hand , other seir his mate hi purine" A nsTeeU."h cmrd '' levl frlenT |