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Show GRUESOME DREAMS'COME " TO THOSEJNTHE CASTLE Occupants of Murderer Holmes's Slaughter-House Spend Horrible Days and Nights. OHICAOO, Sept S Holmes Clitic, where In ISOj so man of the litlms of the urch murderer, II. II Holmes, met their ghastly doom Is to be remodeled nnd turned Into a hotel The history of Holmes castle sliuc Us originator was hanged at Monmenslng prison, In Pennsylvania, tends like it vvoik of tletlon Tenants have been secured for the gloomy building but their stay was Invariably Invaria-bly shoit, and gruesome stories have been told of unciuthly noises and up. parltlons Mrs Chnrles nines Is the latest lctlm of the Influence' which Is said to pervade the building. Opening off from Mrs Illness loom is n shaft or chute descending to the subterranean passages wherein Holmes piowlcd In the days of his dark iiireei It Is known Hint down this shaft he lowered tin. bodies of those whom he slew In the "lastle" to incinerate their flesh and prcpiro their bones for urtkula-tlon, urtkula-tlon, as was his custom blnce Mrs, 1 linen, who iceeutly moved Into the bit, has slept In this bedroom shcNhns been disturbed constantly by one bonifying dream a dream which, with unlmportunt variations, still takes one fearful form of plunging down the shaft, btrange to say the dreaded Inlluenic does not pass with the night During the day, though she feels wholly at ease In her llvlng-rootns whenever when-ever she enters the bedroom she says, she Is Impelled by some Ineslstlble fascination to approach the window opening upon the chute. At the same time a sense of tenor creeps over bei, it fear that she Is about to fall headlong head-long down that via dolorosa, which In the past probably engulfed the forms of .Minnie and Annie Williams, Mrs Julia I. Connor and her daughter, Tear), Miss Hmcllne Slgrund and perhaps otheis of whom no record remains Mrs. Illness mother tame to visit her. and was given this room fahe, too, experienced expe-rienced the sunie horrifying dreams hen the building Is remodeled this shaft and tho underground chambers will be obliterated |