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Show How Tar Can Licet rlc Power Be Car lied Flectrlcal n'rv may he transmitted around the world If the line voltuce I unlimited This follow a from the law that n given pnivei mas be transmitted to any dlf tame with constant efllclencs and a fixed weight nf conductors pro vlded the xnlnitc is increased dlrectls with the distance The physical limits of electric power transmission are thus fixe 1 bs the prnc tlcable voltage that mns be emplosed The effects rf Ihe voltage of tiansmls slon ipust be met In the npparnius at gentratlng and receiving stations on the one hand ind a'ong the line on the other Electric reneralnrs are Hie points in 1 htinimlsslon NVt m where the limit of practical vo'tage is first encounterei In almost all high voltnge trnnsmls alons Jt the present day alternating generator ire employee Recently the voltage of alternating generators has been pushed a high ns IS 000 In the re volilng magnet type where all the arm atura windings are stationary It is quite clear hosseser that the prossures developed In Ihe nimattire colls of u ternatlng (.enerators must rench their higher limits at a r 'Int much below the si ONI and 60 Don volts in nctuil use on present transmission lines In the long el tinnsmlwiniiB with alternating cur rent there Is thetefon no prosi ecj ih it step up trMnironneis at the genernllng stations nnd stei down trtinsforinns .1 receiving Btitlona can bo ellBpenned with As now constructed the line is I hut part of the transmission system where o Physical limit In the use of he,her voltages will llrat be leichel The fai tors that tend most dire tly to this limit are two -temporary ardng between be-tween the several wires on a pole and the less Imposing but constant passage of energy from one wire to another Alton D. Adums ln the Knglticcrlng Magazine. |