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Show Live Stock. CHICAGO Chicago, Oct. .-Cstlle-neeelptl. S Including lo (00 Weatcrra. choice, a others very slow, good to prima aie 17 2618 to, poor to iredium, ll-; atoi leers and feeders t 251(1 oaf I jl Su, helKrs I21.i51i) canneri J, -kl bulls, C 01)11 SO raliea. B9 T.xas fed steers, I2iwirl. w" sti.rs I150'ci6 73 , llogu-ltciclpts today lliw morrow, loium, left uver, 40 oihc" Iftc higher on good olhera steady B and butchers' 17 J5K7 90 uU to tt heavy. I7IW7 9--S rough hear' 7 40 light, I7UMJ7 70, bulk of uH '"sheep-ltecelpts 4" li'J. .f choice, strong, lamba "l,,l;, gool to choice wethers ,?! "i eholci mixed UMiIlt, " i, l.'50-375 native hunts I360tS. ' em lambii, I3 75U515 ST JOSI.rll St Jos.ph, Oct -Cl"-K , Stenly, ICtlVe- .IWI!" "".I'l cows mid heifers M'fcSi,".. flb.J bulla anl stags t: M''. l"Ll and fec.l.rs I2 0O(iIik . . Ilngs-llcc.lits l.i slront to(e r. Unlit and light nilxel r E um and heayv, 17 3,171214. P'l r Tla bulk. I7 37SW40 lS, Shetp-itecelpts 1 "J slow to item K.N8S I'lTT Klnsus Clt). Oct S Ctle-Be 110,.! in. Hiding Ju Text na ! lower, nil vo steers tl fjlf-' !" i". In lien steers. I2.jiti3 65 Te ,' I'.oV-'.'.Ve'elpVs ' W !-- 17 2uii7 B, light I. JtlJJj. )ora"( 715 plrs pi 11X17 15 . . Shi.ti Itecelnts W0, marselT,in mill loi'i 'ft US ,n,b" K lunge wolh.rs. t75'310, esea H South Onnha Ntb. Oct trf rells rl market strong hi"" ', sle'ers, tloOdlS). cows ? (iU 50, Western ste.is, VWV e st. era firwnssf. cows and I "'";, 1 5 00, cinneravlltMi 7V, 'jKgw ers i'v6ll, islves 11 HOW"."' llm.a-IUi.lpts li;"). inarset w '"sheep" s SM n-rtfl,-" und Mockers, 'ixWiK I"' " DLNVril Denver. Colo. Oil 6 yTu f 1W) stead) leef steers USMlj1,! 115011110, feelers frelglij MKini. Ilfijl50 Blockers, Wiml', ,"l"" He, 1 Wf 00 . , .,.,,,. iht P IIOKS HeielpIS, HM. hW.!,, ")J ers. f7 25i7 W mixed und lieo jej, , 8 ieep-Rerelpls 7" ."iiajSilW niultons. IJikiuIOO. lambs I0W"" |