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Show HHala' ' '' I' i W'mt Toacl,r8 ThlnV- of Parents Hlih' I T no meana an Infrequent a lsitor la HHBil' A J th t igaboo of schools the patent HHlil ' M 7 Nlt "'li'ol people are dlalhle Inf two HHal ft It Of i rl ""'" "l0l, ho wonder wh the par 1 HHB 1! r. hi i) I l"'"" ""' oftontr Hnd those who HBBiM Fi S-'U l '" h ahe lotnea at all Klinu I BBHit'ilJ IS Ifl 'll t ' "(r"m-f chiefly auierlniend- I HHal Jil '3' Stl il f ,r ,0 lntert puretila In dialling BBBcVr ffj-,iflil ti hoc la diicatlomil workorn. tnoatly BBHtttiiMl lAH " r"' '"o cordially dHlghte,! lo hHe BBHiy.Hl f I ra.iia otay ut home I'vr mudani BBB'Jilll'H 't, i. '! '"" ln her moot lmpraIe gown 11s BBB 71lt MP M.fi l ""r vould don hi armor tsltn BBaalp WtJlT "w 'l"tJ r0fth '" uoll1' the teacher. On at!'1! Will I ih Judgn ei 1 of h 1 Hilt eiuournged to I link It linl 1 1 lie nnjnt I I ,. the lr it. i ir hi Imses Iter ton b 11 n ition of t 1 In 1 si I in I liiiatlmiiil e.ctein Ml loie.dt he I I lip the Instill linn of ftrtv other loa while getilt a sails fiction fir Johnnv She thinks she know all nliout her bnv and how he sin 11 hi he tr ated hut ahe doc an I loi si 1 not pui 1 osea 11 parent a Idea about hei own 1 nil lien nte usually torthleen It la ns ir one whn owned a chuflng dish should thr points on conducting tin nrtm kitchen Ihe woman who betlcses tliitt because she has gone tu school she knows how n school shoiilcrbe in in j aged might as well assume to he a cook j because "die has eaten In h restutinint To reslat parents will alwava be a part nf the work of a s. hool teacher s soon aa one mamma lenrna that ahe only hlndefn maltern bv coming lo school along comes a freRh nne a mother nt one child only, tri take the mnt place The mimt be smiled nt I mil jmpatlilied with when Ihn ate gone the ten. her will continue to do na ' before Tor till thla la In Ihe dny a work llllain M. Andrews, In WorlJ a Work. |