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Show HOW rilUT EDITIONS IN0IIEA8E IN VALUE The nthcr da 11 honk-loxer unearthed a oat lou nf first cdltlnns nf nine-teenth nine-teenth 'cntui nithnrs Issued by a New York h mkseller In June lsi1 Kew caiulngu-s an Inti resting but this nno was both iniermtlng and suggestive With tin cxuptlon if the curlier nml belter known Leon talalogue It con-tulmd con-tulmd the largest number or American first i llt'iiis iver offered in this manner man-ner and in addition It Im luded nimn rare mndirn l.ngllsh honks large nuinlar of the lmnks hnvi slme appro, elated In value tn an extranrdlnnrv de-giee de-giee and sixteen nf the rarest Items have been selected nnd are given In the following list together with tho prkes asked in 101 and the highest prl --a realised ut leient public stiles The list is ua follows Highest Hook- I'r'ie sell, r s nt Re Prlie lent Bales tlouk H9K. nWI.A 1 rtnhort Rinwrnlnns I'au line lJ3 his ilrst Isink Ifull mnrnei n bv f lislli Insi rlntlon bv the poet s antic nn title psge) IliVI On JI3) OH 2 Hawihoriics Tanshawe ' lcn his nrst book (hosrrls, iiaiut descrllmd ss an ex-cepilnnnlly ex-cepilnnnlly Hne clean l npy 1 Boi Wl 4(10 Si I lliwtliornes MniniiB (III I'enplc lull 1 loth uncut ID M M Irt I lltwthoriies elrsllal Itsllrond 1113 original rovers um nt tin Oil 1:1 in B Kesiss I mlvmlnn ISM, bimtds uiiiiiI (original iminuscrlpl of O Hurrnw Mi llml llorrn' In Ki us s nitogriiph Inserteili 125 tM ttvi m it Ki-ntss limlu 18). tioiinls uncut TRfln 37n tie 7 lniibs itosamiiiid lra 7 limnli i Itosamund ilnv 171 nrltlnal hnir binding 13n ) 4.T0 (l s 1 ainb d Prtnec Usrus' istt 1 moron 11 iinnit original origin-al cov crs Isnind In 1 Inlea 1 Inled 150 "0 SIO 0 I Imngrcllnw s I'icms nil HI11 vi r im.' origins! pa tier invers um tit CO 0) W la- I oncll m ' t lues I'nem IX3S ortglmil 1 overs un III it) O 52 50 II I nwells Venrs Life ' IMI hiuirils uncut BI 0(1 60 111 i: I'm s I'neuis 1S3I otlgl. nnl honltls uncut, (oul three nut Unit salts of this look In nfi vesisi 160 ( awi im II Khellet s ' Ail Iress lo the lllsli Pcnplo, HI. stitched uncut 19u 7W M It Bwliibiirnes 'Sings He. fore Runrlsi tff7l ton. of twuity tlvi InrKe tiuiier iiinlis loth uncut) 00 00 US m IJV tennysonii ' I nems bv Inn lln Hi rs 1W lUrm tmiur inpv liosrds un mil TJil )in HI-Whlttli-rs Mginris of New I'liglntid ls.it Uianls, uncut 91 it) KK |