Show Tiacle In Social Position The fnmous Duchesa of Dajiatoto who woittrl present any tidy whose conduct was shady or ilav al ecarle nt 11 second clasa party nil for a sub stantlal tin tnclal consldeiatton has never had her type In NTevv ork ao dels In the past although there aie nowadays ao innns other innovations brought here from London thnt It Is not surprlalng to hear thnt there are also New Yorkera well known ln cer tain seta 11 "ho are iterfectlv willing to sell for n certain conalderntlon -which la direct and financial and not in any leas practical form the Influence thes may have In aoclets The moit. aur prising feature of this kind of thing is the fact that the persons of whom thla lt told are apparently .endeavoring in make no fleet ct of It but are per fectly willing to be eeen with persons who seem to add probnbllltv to the atiirlea that thes sell Introductions In vltatlone ml olhei similar commodl ties that they cnn dlspoe of ct they do not seem to suffer from ins diminution diminu-tion of opportunities on that account 'Ihe persona of whom these stories nte j toll with Until or falsehood are ns intirli in favor In the quirleia In which their pHrllcultr business Ilea as thes cvei were Hut Ihe some curious situ nllon exista In laindon In the 1 ise of persons who have been knosTn for setra to trade on ceittin sodnl rela tlons atfieels 11 a thes wool 1 on mis commeicltl ossessloit They nisei seem -i p reel i ted any lesa I ecu use nf Hint occupation and In that fenture of their iccullur calling Ilea Ita most singular sin-gular clement Ness ork bun |