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Show Tho UnricrgioiineV ln Slntj Sing T nai rurtleularly Inteiested ln the underground tunnel for I Ipunedlately 1 reels rl its great luefiilness This wis the senel ssaiein by -which contra hanl articles such ns whlskv opium and merihlne weie hiought Into the lilson When n rogue Is rcreuaaUc with the coin of Ihe realm he cin always al-ways tin I 11 keeer or two to bring hltn sshtit he deems the necessaries of life among which nre opium whisky "' lolnecn if jtiit bine n kce er rliht sou can le well supi Heel with these III tie things In (,Lt him right It la net easiiry to ghe up a lertnln reiognlzed ercentut,e nliout one llflh of the inoites sent sou fiom home Thla a8 teni la walked In nil the Htnte prlsona In New u k ttnd during mj first leim nine luoiilhs nf whkh wett spent ut Sing Sing and the rest nt Auburn I hid no dllll ully lit suppllng in grow. Ing need fui opium 1 rom the Autobiography Auto-biography of n Thief In Leslie a Month-! |