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Show BORINO FOR WATER. Test on Tort Hall Reservation Results Re-sults Satisfactorily. tnuuiNi: HPi.ctAi, i l'ort Hull Indian Agcnty Ida Oct 1 The test lairing fni water on tho rite of the pioposed new school fur this rest nation resulted todn) In obtaining n sutlHructiiry Hon, The well is three IniheH In diameter and 125 feci diep Ihe water stunds at a height uf setcn-ty setcn-ty feet, und continuous pumping hua fulled to lower It to an appmlablc degree. de-gree. It Is of good quality for domestic use Agent Caldtull will rcpoit to the dcpirtniint at mice, and the sun ess met with will undoubtedly muse the selection of this site, tn the onchislon of scleral othern. foi the sthtml Hint protlded fur in the tieuty with theso Indluna nf June 6, ISOO The esllmtted cost or the entire riant la J7JC00. |